Do these 4 propensities to be liberated from joint pain assault

Joint pain can cause agony and growing protests that meddle with action. What should be possible to be free from joint pain assault?

Arthritis is a medical term to describe inflammation in the joints. Because it can be very disruptive to daily activity, some habits need to be applied so that you can be free from the recurrence of arthritis attack.

There are approximately 100 kinds of arthritis. However, the most commonly encountered are osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and psoriasis arthritis.

Do these 4 propensities to be liberated from joint pain assault | GOLELY

Each type of arthritis has its own risk factor. Some of them can not be modified or prevented, but some may be.

The preventable risk factor for arthritis is female gender, the history of arthritis in the family, as well as increasing age. While the risk factors that can be modified can be sought to prevent arthritis.

Do this habit to be free from arthritis attack

Arthritis complaints that arise are very related to inflammation, such as swelling, pain, redness, and heat when felt. Imagine how uneasy arthritis is when attacking. To avoid this, embed this habit from now on.

1. Keep your body weight ideal
Ideal weight loss can reduce the risk of osteoarthritis. Data proves women with obesity are more risky to four times and five times in men to be exposed to osteoarthritis.

Excess weight mainly affects the joints of body weight supporters, for example, knees. In fact, the excess weight of only 4-5 kg can already cause an increased burden on the knee as much as 13-27 kg.

How to maintain the ideal weight that is highly recommended is with regular exercise. Besides helping to regulate weight, exercise also has the added benefit of strengthening the muscles around the joints. Strong muscles can support the joints well, so they can relieve joint work.

You can try low-impact sports that don't overload the joints. For example, cycling, swimming, or other water sports.

2. Do sports and other activities securely
Although exercise is important, keep in mind that sports injuries are one of the risk factors of arthritis. Therefore, strive to exercise safely, namely by:

> Always warm-up and cooling.
> Use sports shoes that fit, comfortable, and fit the sport done.
> Exercise on soft surfaces (e.g. running on dirt or grass lines rather than asphalt or concrete).
> When jumping, try to always land with the position of the knee bent.
Likewise, when working or doing daily activities, the position of the body and joints is also worth noting.

While in the office, for example, try the seat that is used to support the middle back to the bottom, and the position of the elbow bend 90 degrees while typing.

Also, for example, when lifting objects from the floor, try to load adjacent to the waist and the back position should be as small as possible. It would be best if heavy loads were pushed instead of being lifted up or asking for help to equally lift it up.

3. Stop Smoking
Smoking may increase the risk of rheumatoid arthritis. If you are a smoker, immediately stop the unhealthy habit.

Quitting smoking can be difficult, but it's not the impossible thing. Make the determination to quit smoking so that the body is healthy, paste the motivational quotes in places that are easy to see, and ask for help from the closest people. If necessary, do not hesitate to seek the help of skilled personnel.

4. Keeping the Diet
Diet can also be influential. For example high uric acid levels at risk of raising gout.

To prevent this, familiarize yourself with a balanced nutritious diet, low in sugar and purines, and avoid alcoholic beverages.

The recommended foods are those that contain omega-3 (fatty fish such as salmon or sardines) and vitamin D (fatty fish and routinely exposed to the morning sunlight).

One thing that also needs to be known, often times arthritis is associated with the elderly population. This is indeed supported by statistics indicating that individuals over 65 years are indeed the main age group of arthritis. However, young adults, teenagers, and even children can also experience it.

As part of the World Arthritis Day warning, do not underestimate joint pain. Find out a variety of information about arthritis, from causes, symptoms, to their handling. Also, plant the habits mentioned above that begin today, so that you can be forever free from arthritis attacks.

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