Drinking warm water routinely to prevent the diseases of Achalasia?

Routine drinking warm water mentioned can prevent the disease from achalasia. How is it true? Let's see through the article below.

Drinking warm water had many benefits. One of them prevents Asian wits. Can't believe it? Check the fact here.

Drinking warm water routinely to prevent the diseases of Achalasia? | GOLELY

Achalasia, what is it?

Achalasia is one of the rare diseases affecting esophageal (esophagus). This disease interferes with your ability to push food toward the stomach. 

You need to know, inside the esophagus, there is the bottom of the sphincter of the esophagus. It is a ring-shaped muscle that separates the esophagus and stomach. In normal people, this sphincter will open when the food will go into the stomach, but in people of wits Asian, this sphincter will fail to open.

This condition will be dangerous if left in a long time. The reason, gradually, people with Akalasia will experience increased difficulty in eating and drinking. This certainly leads to weight loss through poor nutrition.

People with this disease can also experience pneumonia or lung infections more easily. Also, the risk of esophageal cancer is increased until it can cause death.

Asian signs and symptoms appear gradually. Most people with this disease cannot swallow as the most common and early symptom. Sometimes, mild chest pain can be lost, but some individuals can experience more intense pain.

This rarely found the disease is often about adults aged 25-60 years, although children may also experience this. Not looking at gender, Achalasia is found in both men and women in the same ratio, except for genetic cases. Men are known to be at the risk of doubling than women.

Usually, there are two ways to handle achalasia, ie with surgery and non-operation. Non-surgical therapies can use a Botox injection many times on the esophageal valve, to make it relaxation. There is also a muscle pel gold medication that can be consumed.

Although it can be addressed medically, daily routines, such as drinking warm water, apparently can help reduce and prevent achalasia.

Routine drinking warm water

It is contained in the journal Neurogastroenterology and Motility in 2012. In the journal, described swallowing warm water can relieve symptoms in the esophagus of patients who have qualified Asians. It has been tried in 1998.

At that time, research was conducted in 48 men and women who were experiencing difficulty in swallowing solid or fluid objects, chest pains, or returning to the food that was swallowed up into the oral cavity. They are given warm drinking water regularly. 

Researchers want to see the effect of swallowing warm water against the symptoms posed in their esophagus. With a tool, 58% of volunteers are known to experience symptoms improvement after a routine of consuming warm water. 

Furthermore, in the latest research in 2012, conducted trials on 36 volunteers with Achalasia. After drinking warm water, 88% of volunteers felt the chest pains subsided. 

Swallowing warm water can reduce the pressure on the esophageal valve when swallowing thereby reducing the duration of the contract. The invention concluded that lifestyle modification with the regular drinking of warm water contributed positively to the symptoms of the Asian.

Until now, there has been nothing that can be done to prevent the occurrence of Wasian Asia. However, the patient can routinely consume warm water to prevent the severity of the symptoms of Asian-wits in the esophagus. If you have difficulty swallowing, especially accompanied by chest pains, consult a doctor immediately.