Check bosoms yourself before it's past the point of no return

Bosom malignant growth is one of the most widely recognized killers of ladies. Moreover, a determination is regularly postponed - new malignant growth is found during the advanced stage. There are already several detection ways. one of the simplest is to examine the breast themselves.

Breast cancer is a type of cancer that develops in breast cells. This type of cancer can occur when the cells in the breast organs grow abnormally. These cells divide themselves faster than normal cells and accumulate, forming bumps or masses. Although the incidence rate is more common in women, breast cancer can also be experienced by men.

Generally, breast disorders or breast cancer initially do not pose a meaningful complaint. Nevertheless, the lump is one of the earliest complaints of the most frequently reported sufferer, although not all lump means cancer.

Check bosoms yourself before it's past the point of no return | GOLELY

Check breast yourself, what is it?

So a woman should pay attention to the health condition of the breast by conducting detection as early as possible. The simplest way is to examine the breasts yourself.

By routinely doing so, women can protect themselves from breast cancer through early detection of routine. If there is a suspicion of breast cancer and it is proven through diagnosis, early treatment will prevent the disease.

How to do this?

Women are recommended to check breast alone 7-10 days after menstruation every month. The steps include:

1. Stand upright. Take note of any changes in breast skin shape and surface as well as swelling and/or changes in the nipple. No need to worry too much about the right and left unsymmetrical breast shape (which is not too extreme), because it is common.

2. Lift both arms upwards, bend the elbow, and position the hand behind the head. Push the elbow forward and look at the breast, then pull the elbow backward, and look again at the shape or size of the breast.

3. Position both hands on the waist, wrap the shoulder so that the breasts hang, push both elbows forward, then tighten (counteracted) the chest muscles. This way also to check whether there are changes to the shape and surface of the breast skin as well as swelling and/or changes in the nipple.

4. Lift the left arm, and bend the elbow so that the left-hand holds the upper part of the back. Using the fingertip of the right hand, touch and hold the breast area, and look at the entire left breast to the armpit area. Then, gently press the nipple using your thumb and forefinger, with a massaging motion ranging from the blackish area around the nipple to reaching the nipple. When pressing the nipple, notice whether any fluid or blood is coming out.

5. On the lying position, place the pillow under the shoulder and the right hand behind the head. Lift the arms upwards. Look at the correct bosom with the left hand, and the other way around. Press the entire breast area starting from the outer area of the noon direction with the rotating motion to reach the nipple. Feel whether a lump or fluid is coming out of the nipple.

6. Return to the standing position, lift one hand to the back of the head, then use the other hand to check the breasts. Do as the above steps. You can also take this step while bathing.

Symptoms of breast cancer

The following are the characteristics of breast cancer based on the American Cancer Society:
  • Bumps in breasts or armpit areas
  • Swelling in all or part of the breasts
  • Inflammation or injuries in breast skin
  • Frown in breast skin resembling an orange peel
  • Breast tenderness
  • Nipple pain
  • Nipples attracted into
  • Thickening or redness of the nipple
  • The discharge from the breast (other than breast milk), which can generally be pus or blood
If when you check the breasts you find some of the above signs, do not delay to consult the surgeon immediately to confirm the cause, so that it can be handled quickly and appropriately. The earlier breast cancer is treated, the degree of success of the treatment is also higher. Therefore, let's routinely "Check breasts by yourself" before it's too late!

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