5 different ways to counteract sluggishness while driving

Of late, auto collision news progressively shows up in the broad communications. The reason, from the brakes, didn't work, broke the tires, until the riders were sleepy. Broken tires and brake more is the "technical" affairs of the car. But if sleepy while driving, this is very preventable to your origin know-how.

Drowsiness is often the haunt of motorists who do not drive their vehicles on the toll road. The reason, usually the toll road is dominated by straight lines, so potentially make the rider so saturated and sleepy.

Also, the road condition makes riders tempted to increase speed, although sometimes it happens without realizing it.

5 different ways to counteract sluggishness while driving | GOLELY

Of late, auto collision news progressively shows up in the broad communications. The reason, from the brakes, didn't work, broke the tires, until the riders were sleepy. Broken tires and brake more is the "technical" affairs of the car. But if sleepy while driving, this is very preventable to your origin know-how.

Drowsiness is often the haunt of motorists who do not drive their vehicles on the toll road. The reason, usually the toll road is dominated by straight lines, so potentially make the rider so saturated and sleepy.

Also, the road condition makes riders tempted to increase speed, although sometimes it happens without realizing it.

Consequently, boredom and drowsiness coupled with high speed is a deadly combination in increasing the risk of fatal accidents. So that it doesn't happen to you or your loved ones, try to do 5 ways to prevent the following driving drowsiness.

1. Take a break in the rest area
The rest area presence is certainly very influential with this condition. If you start to evaporate and your eyes can feel hard to open wide, don't be forced to keep driving. Stop and take a break in the rest area for a while.

When sleeping in a car, make sure the machine is dead and ensure the oxygen adequacy by opening the window glass.

After getting enough sleep time, stretch out so that the body is not limbed and the brain so "fresh" back. One of the things you can do is walk around the rest area for 10 minutes.

2. Eating snacks, but not that sweet!
When traveling by car, some people buy small meals as a provision for driving. Chewing snacks are quite potent to expel drowsiness while driving.

The recommended snack for consumption when driving is beans. Because your blood sugar and insulin levels will remain steady after consuming the food.

Different if you consume is a pastry. Instead of "literacy", chewing snacks are high in sugar as it precisely increases the feeling of drowsiness!

3. Drink coffee, tea, or low sugar soda
In addition to snacks, drinks that you can consume to prevent the sleepiness while driving are coffee, tea, and soda. Although all three are less healthy when consumed overconsumption, the caffeine contained therein can at least expel drowsiness for the next few hours.

Caffeine in coffee or soda can indeed increase the production of adrenal hormones, to awaken the spirit and accelerate the heartbeat. However, caffeine can also make you want to urinate continuously because of its nature that increases urine production.

4. Chat and play radio or music
When drowsiness strikes, it is better to chat with other people who are in the car. Talk interesting things, so your attention is no longer focused on drowsiness.

If by chance there are no passengers other than you, then set the radio or music with a volume that is quite loud. But be careful not to listen to music instead of making your concentration in a distracted driver.

Opening the window glass can also increase alertness and repel drowsiness. Cause, your ears will never stop hearing the sound of the car running!

5. Do not take medication before or while driving
Taking medications, such as vehicle anti-hangover medications, flu medications, allergic drugs or painkillers will usually cause drowsiness effects. Because of the condition that the medicines overcome does require more rest to heal quickly.

If the condition is not fit, do not be forced to drive. Ask others to drive or take turns driving so you also have time to neutralize the side effects of the medicines above. If there is no substitute, drink medication when you arrive at the destination or before resting in the rest area.

That's 5 ways to prevent sleepy while driving. To minimize the risk of accidents, you must also have checked vehicle conditions, such as fuel adequacy, tires, machinery, brakes, etc. Also, set the speed of pace. Another way that can prevent your drowsiness is enough sleep on the night before you travel. It is also sufficient to allow you to dehydrate your drinking water.

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