11 early indications of bosom cancer growth notwithstanding knots

Perhaps so far you think about the manifestations of bosom malignancy is a knot around the chest or armpit. In any case, the underlying sign isn't constantly an irregularity. Some signs and symptoms may be invisible but should be aware of.

Yes, the early symptoms of cancer are more than just a lump. At least this is what cancer survivors express to women's health. The ones mentioned below are the signs and symptoms of female breast cancer that may be surprising, outside of the lump.

11 early indications of bosom malignant growth notwithstanding knots | GOLELY

1. The presence of liquids coming out of the nipple
Some women report early signs of breast cancer that she is not a lump, but the discharge of green fluid from the nipple.

"In addition to breast milk, when there is fluid coming out of the nipple and accompanied by other symptoms — such as a change in the shape of the nipple — then the sign should be suspected of breast cancer."

According to a preliminary study presented at the UK National Cancer Research Institute (NCRI) conference in 2016, one in six women diagnosed with breast cancer is experiencing less visible signs (aka Not a lump), For example, in milk nipple and weight loss.

2. Changes in breast skin
One other symptom of breast cancer is the breast skin discoloration to be red, darker, or brighter than the surrounding skin. Also, the occurrence of larger pores should be wary.

"In medical terms, the widening of the pores is called a peau d'orange or a change resembling an orange peel."

Also, note whether there are wrinkles and curves in the breast skin, rash or redness in the breast area. Also, look out for scaly skin or thickening of the skin.

3. Changes in nipple milk
The nipple is said to be different in each woman.

For example, if the nipple forms the woman from the default already attracted into the (inverted nipple), it is normal. But if the nipples were initially not so but suddenly changed its shape so attracted into, immediately checked into the doctor. It was given by Neelima Denduluri, MD, of the Oncology Network Breast Committee, United States, to women's health.

"Cancer cells can lead to the formation of scarring inside the breast, which eventually pulls the nipple towards the inside. This condition can be used as a symptom referring to breast cancer. "

4. Swollen Breasts and pain
Usually, swollen breasts and pain are felt by women due to hormonal changes (eg. pregnancy). However, these symptoms are also associated with breast cancer.

According to Debra Pratt, MD, OB-GYN and cancer experts from Texas Oncology, USA, said that the condition relates to the size and position of the tumor. In the end, the condition results in a change in breast size and shape or resulting in painful swelling.

While most women who report breast tenderness do not experience cancer, but if pain and swelling occur outside the menstrual cycle, not being a breastfeeding, and appearing suddenly disappear, immediately consult Doctor. Whatever the cause should soon be found and promptly addressed.

5. There is a strange tickling sensation
Some breast cancer survivors report the "tickling sensation of the inside", the breasts feel like "there is a thorn" inside.

Said by Sherry Ross, MD, OB-GYN and the author of the book "She-ology" says, such strange sensations can happen for no reason at all. However, if the sensation is abnormal and repetitive, it is best to make an appointment with the doctor.

6. Sensitive breasts
Said Dr. Sherry, a sensitive breast or nipple can also be a sign of cancer that needs to be examined. For example, using a bra causes irritation to the nipple, the breasts are painful when exposed to the sensation of shower water when bathing, or so do not like when the couple touches your breasts.

If this happens outside the monthly menstrual cycle and you are not pregnant, you should report the complaint to the doctor.

7. Visible blood vessels
Blood vessels that appear under the skin can be influenced by many things, such as skin tone, subcutaneous fat, pregnancy, or genetic. However, you need to be wary if the lines of the veins are blue or green because the change in appearance can be a sign of cancer. It was thus delivered by Dr. Sherry.

If the veins are usually never seen in the surrounding area of the breasts and now appear, or the veins appear larger, darker, or more prominent, you need to worry.

"Visible blood vessels can indicate the presence of tumors because they need more blood flow, which means more blood vessels. Or it could prevent the blood flow, resulting in a nearby blood vessel swelling, "said Dr. Sherry.

8. Breast Itch
Usually, itchy itching in the breast is associated with a bra, for example too tight or a bra-edge lace or sequin. However, if the nipple is constantly itchy, it is a complaint that should be checked out to the doctor.

The cause may vary from yeast infections or other infections, allergies, or irritation due to clothing. However, there is a rare type of breast cancer, which can cause dryness, redness, and red rash that itch in the bud around the nipple.

Whatever the cause, itchy rash is a symptom that you should consult a doctor, especially if it has been a week or two weeks is not also cured.

9. Underarm pain
The discomfort in the armpit is one common complaint, and most need not be feared. However, given the breast tissue as well as to the side of the chest to the armpit, breast cancer can cause symptoms in the area, or as Dr. Sherry says, cancer can cause lymph nodes in the underarm to experience swelling.

Beware of hard-to-wear lumps, not moving when touched, especially if there is a family history with breast cancer. Not just breast cancer, but these symptoms can also be a sign of lymph cancer.

10. Pimples on breasts
Yes, acne can appear anywhere, including the breast area, especially if you are an active woman exercising. Generally, acne will disappear itself coupled with good hygiene. However, if you experience any kind of wound in the breasts that are not lost after 1-2 weeks, it is recommended to consult a physician.

"The absence of lost wounds or bruises can be an early symptom of cancer," says Dr. Sherry.

11. Absence of breast-related changes
According to studies of the NCRI, back pain, neck pain, and weight loss mysteriously entered the symptoms of breast cancer that eventually made the woman be checked and diagnosed with cancer.

Said by Dr. Neelima, it is because breast cancer can spread before being diagnosed, causing symptoms in parts of the body other than the breast.

The importance of breast cancer early detection

According to Globocan data of the year 2018, the cancer incidence rate for the highest women is breast cancer, i.e. 42.1 per 100,000 inhabitants, with an average death rate of 17 per 100,000 inhabitants. Looking at this fact, of course, women need to be vigilant.

The good news, the earlier detected, the better the life expectancy of breast cancer sufferers. Know no, early detection of breast cancer can save lives up to 90 percent!

Early detection can be done with breast self-examination. Checks can be made on the 5-7 day from the first day of menstruation. At this time, the breast gland is no longer widely affected by the menstrual hormone.

Detection can be done at home, namely with the below steps:

1. Stand in front of the unclothed mirror with an upright body, a straight shoulder, and both hands are in the waist. Look carefully at the shape of both breasts. Beware of changing shapes, sizes, and colors in one or both breasts. Similarly, if there is a change in the form of nipples such as swelling, drawn into, or secrete liquids.

2. Still, with its position, raise both hands upwards. Look for the early signs of cancer as mentioned earlier.

3. Next lie down. Place your left hand behind the head, then do a breast exam left with the right hand.

4. Emphasize the breasts from top to bottom, from the outer side to the inner side, using the four fingers. Continue to press the breasts circular down to the armpits, collarbone, middle chest, to the lower ribs of the breast. Feel whether there is a lump or pain in the area of emphasis. Do the same thing on the breast one again.

5. Withstanding position, do the checks like Step 3 and 4. Some women feel more comfortable doing the examination when the breasts are damp or down. Therefore, you can do it while you are bathing.

Early symptoms of breast cancer are not necessarily lumps, but on many or some cases also include the complaints mentioned earlier. Hence the early detection of breast cancer. If there is any discrepancy, immediately consult a doctor for further examination. Remember, the more premature breast cancer, the sufferer's life expectancy will be better and proven to save lives up to 90 percent.

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