5 legitimate approaches to keep up older wellbeing

Any individual who has entered the older or old level unquestionably needs to appreciate the times of ' sunset ' with a feeling of satisfaction. Unfortunately, maintaining elderly health is not an easy thing. Many challenges must be faced, given the condition of the elderly body that has been very vulnerable to various types of diseases.

Not to be denied, increasing age will surely make the body undergo many changes. This process is called aging, and the perceived changes include the rest of the body. Starting from the skin that tends to dry and wrinkles, the growth of gray hair, until the change in the internal organs.

Organs in the body that first experience the aging process is the heart and blood vessels. The walls of the blood vessels, both the blood vessels and the pulse, will become more rigid. 

5 legitimate approaches to keep up older wellbeing | GOLELY

This leads to greater prisoners, so the heart works harder to pump blood through the veins. This is what makes the elderly susceptible to high blood pressure or hypertension and various other cardiac problems. 

Not only that, but the elderly are also prone to balance disorders. It makes them risk falling, even when doing daily activities at home. Elderly who fall may experience health complications, such as fractures, infections, and disability.

Tips for maintaining elderly health

The ' unique ' elderly body makes them need a special way to maintain health. Here are some ways that can be used to maintain elderly health:

1. Healthy diet 
The elderly are advised to consume whole and high fiber foods, such as various fruits and vegetables and wheat cereal. Avoid ready meals, foods that are too salty or sweet, and fatty foods.

It would be better if the elderly consume nuts and dairy products that are low in fat. Research says that diet like this can protect the elderly from heart disease, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, even cancer. 

2. Stay active on the move
Keep your physical activities active, at least 30 minutes a day. No need to do at once, but by being divided into 10 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the afternoon. 

Physical activity is quite mild-moderate intensity, such as walking, cycling, swimming or gymnastics. Such aerobic exercise can smooth blood flow and oxygen circulation throughout the body. 

Also, the sport can slow the occurrence of symptoms of dementia aka senile, control body weight, maintain bone and muscle resistance, and improve sleep quality. 

3. Simply Rest 
Difficulty sleeping is one of the problems that often occur in the elderly. Those who are no longer young often complain of sleeplessness and easy waking up at night. 

The quality sleep will keep the mood good, the body cells are in the system, and the body organs remain functioning optimally. 

Therefore, the elderly are strongly encouraged to have sufficient sleep time. 

Apply a good sleep routine. For example, the bedroom lights are dim, sleep and wake up at the same hour every day, and do not see any television or mobile screen before bedtime. 

Also, it's best to avoid coffee in the afternoon or evening, and don't forget regular workouts. Those things can keep your sleep quality good. 

4. Join the Community
Elderly people often feel themselves, because their children are living apart from them. These feelings of self-abandonment can trigger the onset of depressive symptoms, which can be bad for health. 

To prevent this, the elderly should join the community. Seek out the elderly community around the shelter, and try to engage in community activities or places of worship. 

Many researchers have found that the elderly involved in the community will have a better quality of life, avoid dementia and other degeneracy (aging) diseases. 

5. Routine Health Check
Have your health checked regularly! Increasing age makes the body's organ function changed. It is not possible that vital organ functions in the body will also be decreased. 

Well, with regular self-checking to the hospital, many diseases can be detected as early as possible, quickly and accurately resolved before various complications occur.

Although it is elderly, it does not mean that you are resigned to the circumstances and let the disease come. Then, apply the tips of maintaining elderly health as it has been delivered so that you can enjoy the old days with optimal conditions, happy, and away from illness. Happy International Age Day!

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