Lower weight with flax seed

Over the past few years, hemp seed or flax seed became the mainstay of healthy life activists. Not only that, flaxseed can also be believed to help lose weight to achieve ideal weight.

There are several ways to consume flax seeds. It can be eaten directly or mixed in food or drinks like milk. Although the shape is tiny, but make no wrong, the benefits of flaxseed for myriad body health!
Lower weight with flax seed | GOLELY

Utilizing flax seed for weight loss

A tablespoon of flaxseed contains 37 calories, 1.3 grams of protein, 3 grams of fat, and 1.9 grams of fiber. 

Also, flax seeds contain essential fatty acids that the body needs, one of which is ALA (also known as linolenic acid or omega-3). Flaxseed contains 7 grams of ALA that is important for brain development, especially when consumed by children.

Omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce inflammation, lower the risk of cancer, and lower the risk of autoimmune diseases. According to research published in the Medical journal "American Journal of Nutrition" in 2011, it was mentioned that omega-3 can help lose weight faster. Even so, it still needs to be done further research to make sure.

Not only that, but flaxseed is also known to contain high fiber. A tablespoon of flaxseed contains 1.9 grams of fiber. Fibers can keep the digestive system smoothly and reduce blood cholesterol. Fiber can also help stabilize blood sugar levels, as fiber works to slow down the absorption of sugar in the gastrointestinal tract and prevent blood sugar increases.

High fiber content can make you fast satiety, thus avoid excessive eating.

For the record, the fibers are divided into two, i.e. soluble fiber and insoluble fibers. Soluble fibers will form a gel-like substance inside the gastrointestinal tract that keeps you satiety longer, whereas insoluble fibers will help the good bacteria inside the gastrointestinal tract in maintaining the health of the gastrointestinal tract.

Consumption of hemp seed is also known to be good for increasing basal metabolic rate, i.e. the speed of the body in burning calories. Fiber consumption is also important to keep your blood sugar levels steady.

Flaxseed also contains lignin, which is a polymer complex that is found on the cell wall of various plants. Lignin is a structure that makes a plant has a rigid texture. Based on the results published in the medical journal "International Journal of Molecular Sciences" in 2017, it is said that the content of lignin that is widely found in hemp seed can help with weight loss.

Safety recommendations and limits of hemp seed consumption

Although it is healthy, the consumption remains in certain quantities. There are no specific dosages because their daily recommendations depend on each individual's condition. Therefore, consultation with the doctor is needed, especially if there is a certain medical condition.

For the benefit, the portion recommendation is 1-2 tablespoons every day. 

Avoid consuming hemp seeds that are still raw or unpeeled. Not only difficult to digest, hemp seeds that are still raw or unpeeled can contain toxic substances that can be harmful. Flaxseed supplements are also not recommended to be consumed by pregnant women, as it may trigger hormonal side effects.

Not only healthy, but flax seeds are also widely consumed to lose weight due to some nutritional content. Vary the hemp seed by eating other balanced nutritious healthy foods, just drink water, exercise regularly, and sleep enough to make the benefits more pronounced.

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