10 causes one can lose memory or Amnesia

Loss of memory or amnesia can transpire for different reasons. If solitary a minute, not every issue. In any case, if it gets perpetual memory loss, it is very dangerous. Therefore, let's know the various causes of a person who can experience memory loss.

The most common cause of memory loss impacts. Therefore, if you have a hard impact on your head and forget some things, you will need to get special handling. Usually, the screening will be done on the brain.

Moreover, Certain diseases such as Alzheimer's can also make a person disappear memory. As known, Alzheimer's is one of the problems of dementia or decreased brain function.

10 causes one can lose memory or Amnesia | GOLELY

Other reasons why memory loss

In addition to the previously mentioned there are still many other causes that can make a person lost memory, namely:

1. Lack of sleep

First, it will be harder to remember various things when you are lacking or sleeping. Secondly, sleep can strengthen the bonds between brain cells that help you remember for the long term. Lastly, it will be harder to form memories from the beginning when your mind is "wandered" because of lack of sleep.

2. Certain medications

Soothing medications, such as sleep medications and sedatives, can weaken memory. Just that, the effect of memory loss cannot be equated to everyone. There could be other people who feel the effects differently.

3. Diabetes

People with this disease are more likely to develop memory problems, including dementia. High blood sugar could damage the small blood vessels in the brain called capillaries. However, scientists continue to study the issue.

4. The Age

Memory is likely to decline as you age. If it starts to disturb everyday life, the doctor calls it dementia.

Genetic factors are quite instrumental in causing dementia. But not only that, there are still other factors such as diet, exercise, social life, as well as diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease.

5. Stroke

Stroke stops blood flow to part of the brain. After that, damaged brain tissue can make the sufferer difficult to think, talk, remember, or pay attention to. This condition is known as vascular dementia.

These conditions may also occur in mild stroke sufferers. Things that can increase the risk of strokes such as high blood pressure or hypertension, heart disease, and smoking habit can also cause vascular dementia.

6. Smoking Area

Smoking habits can shrink parts of the brain that help you think and remember various things. It also increases the risk of dementia, because cigarettes are proven bad for blood vessels. Also, the smoking habit increases the risk of stroke, which can damage the brain and cause vascular dementia.

7. Heart disease

The plaque that accumulates in the arteries slows the blood flow to the brain and other organs. It is called atherosclerosis. In the end, it can also complicate a person in lucid thinking and remembering things.

8. High blood pressure

High blood pressure increases the risk of memory problems, including dementia. Most likely because the disease can damage the small blood vessels in the brain. Thus, it can cause other conditions such as strokes that cause dementia.

9. Depression and anxiety

Often, it is harder to concentrate or remember certain things if you are anxious or depressed. Talk to your doctor or therapist if anxiety or depression is already interfering with the ability to think.

10. Obesity

If the body mass index is more than 30 in middle age, you have a higher risk of experiencing dementia later in life. Then, excess weight also makes heart disease more likely to occur, which sometimes also leads to decreased brain function and memory problems.

The condition of memory loss or amnesia, especially permanent, is dangerous and must be known cause. To prevent it, live a healthy lifestyle and maintain a good body condition.

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