Measles disease

Measles are diseases brought about by infections. Measles side effects as red rash in general body joined by fever, cough, and cold.

The World Health agency said that measles is one of the main causes of the death of children in the world, although there is a safe and affordable measles vaccine. This is especially the case in developing countries.

However, the use of measles vaccines resulted in a decrease in death from measles by 79% from 2000 to 2014 worldwide.

Measles disease | GOLELY

Measles Diagnosis

The Diagnosis of measles can be determined based on the clinical picture, the signs, and symptoms experienced by the patient. However, in certain cases, the doctor may ask to do a supporting examination such as a complete blood test.

An antibody examination of measles and liver function can also be performed, albeit infrequently.

Examination using reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) can determine the diagnosis in a certain order. Be that as it may, much of the time it isn't required because the signs and manifestations of measles are commonly very commonplace to decide the finding.

Measles symptoms

Measles disease has a fairly distinctive clinical picture. The first symptoms that commonly arise in measles disease include:
  • High fever, which generally arises about 10-12 days after a person is exposed by a measles virus.
  • Respiratory tract complaints, such as cough and watery nose.
  • Redness and watery eyes.
  • White patches in the oral cavity.
  • A fairly typical reddish rash on measles can occur approximately 3-5 days after other symptoms. It usually starts from the face and upper neck. Within a period of a few days after, a reddish rash also arises on other parts of the body – such as the body, back, hands, and feet. This rash generally lasts for a few days, then begins to disappear according to the embossed sequence.
  • Sometimes, a reddish rash can be accompanied by an itchy complaint.
In general, the symptoms experienced by measles sufferers can last for 4-7 days, before finally subside.

Measles treatment

Uncomplicated measles patients can perform outpatient. Meanwhile, the stay is needed if the patient has complications, such as dehydration, respiratory infections, difficulties to get intake, and so on.

Treatment of measles provided by the doctor is generally supportive, such as:

  • The infusion can be considered when assessed severe dehydration, there is difficulty in obtaining intake or a continuous high fever that can cause dehydration.

  • Drug Administration according to symptoms. For example antipyretic drugs for fever complaints, cough-relief drugs for cough complaints, cold-relief drugs for cold and nasal complaints, and antinausea medications for nausea complaints.

  • Administration of vitamin A supplementation, especially in patients with vitamin A deficiency.

Measles causes

Measles is caused by a Paramyxovirus type virus that is transmitted through the respiratory tract. Measles includes highly contagious diseases. It is even said that 90% of patients who have not gotten measles vaccinations can be infected when they are near the infected person.

Measles can also be transmitted when a person inhales or experiences direct contact with virus-infected fluid, such as a droplet that is scattered in the air when the sufferer cough or sneezes.

Measles prevention

Vaccines or immunizations made early on or when a person is still a child is the best way to prevent measles. MMR is a type of vaccine that can protect a person from the attack on measles, Gondongan, and rubella or German measles. This vaccine also includes the type of immunization required by the Government.

The disease is easily contagious. Therefore, avoid direct contact with people who are susceptible to viral infections – such as young children and pregnant women.

Moreover, always keep your environment clean and yourself. Wash your hands properly, which is underwater flowing and use soap to prevent germs, bacteria, and viruses from breeding in your body.

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