8 Healthy Peanut Butter Benefits

One sort of most loved jam in different pieces of the world is nutty spread. The jam is frequently applied in a bread set, blended in a smoothie, or ladle directly from the jar. Besides being tasty and can be comfort food, peanut butter is also beneficial for the body through the nutrients it offers.

Peanut butter is rich in healthy fats and is a good source of protein. Therefore, peanut butter is also good for those who do not eat meat.

Peanut butter of 2 tablespoons can contain up to 8 grams of protein and 2 to 3 grams of fiber. Also, it contains vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B type niacin, iron, potassium, and vitamin E. 

8 Healthy Peanut Butter Benefits | GOLELY

Various benefits of peanut butter

Here are a variety of other reasons for you to always prepare peanut butter at the dinner table.

1. Controlling weight

Nuts indeed contain a lot of fat, but that does not mean you should avoid them (unless you are a peanut allergy). Protein and fiber In addition to high-nut nuts can make you feel full and energized. This can help you eat fewer calories so it can support your weight loss efforts. Also, the consumption of nuts can help the body burn more energy, even when you are resting.

2. Good fats

Most of the fat in a nut is a type of unsaturated fat. Compared to saturated fats in meat or trans fats in processed foods, peanut butter is certainly better. This can help stabilize your blood sugar and insulin.

3. Abundant Nutrition

Not only is a high protein, fiber, and healthy fats that are good for you, nuts also have many other nutrients such as vitamin E, B6, folic acid, niacin, magnesium, zinc, copper, and potassium. However, be careful with peanut butter that has been processed with salt, sugar, preservatives, and unhealthy fats that can be more harmful to your body.

4. Contains many antioxidants

These include minerals such as selenium and manganese, vitamins C and E, as well as flavonoids, phenols, polyphenols, and other substances. The row of antioxidants works as a team to help protect the cells in your body. Peanut butter can even help protect you from the threat of colon cancer.

5. Maintain cholesterol levels

Too much cholesterol can harden blood vessels and cause strokes and heart disease. However, Almon nuts, walnuts, and other tree nuts can lower cholesterol levels.

6. Prevent and control type 2 diabetes

This is because peanut butter helps control weight gain, high sugar (glucose) levels, and fat in the blood. The Jam, beans can also keep the blood vessel (endothelium) stretchy and healthy, which prevents heart problems associated with diabetes.

7. Heart disease

People who eat more nuts or peanut butter are likely to be exposed to heart disease. About 28 grams or 2 tablespoons of peanut butter in a week is sufficient to help you avoid heart disease.

8. Magnesium

This Mineral is good for your nerves, muscles, bones, blood sugar, and blood pressure. Eating peanut butter made from cashew nuts, Almon nuts, and peanuts is shown to have a lot of magnesium content that is useful for previously mentioned health problems.

Although the benefits are many but should be remembered that peanut butter still contains high calories.

Two tablespoons of peanut butter contain about 200 calories. For those who are on a diet, then reduce this amount of servings half. 

So want to eat peanut butter, huh? Before buying or remaking peanut butter at home, make sure the products you buy are low in trans fats and low in sugar, so the health benefits you get can be optimal.

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