5 Benefits of a Vegetarian Diet for health

Ever thought to be a vegetarian? As it turns out, vegetarian diets are many benefits to your health.

The survey showed an increase in the number of people undergoing a vegetarian diet in recent years. Various reasons cause a person to become vegetarians. Among them are religious, vigilance on global warming, and for better health.

5 Benefits of a Vegetarian Diet for health | GOLELY

The vegetarian diet patterns emphasize the consumption of food from vegetable sources, such as vegetables, grains, and fruits. Nowadays, there are various types of vegetarian diet patterns, including:

  • Vegan: does not consume meat, fish, eggs, milk, dairy products, or any food products involving animals in their manufacturing.
  • Vegetarian Lacto-Ovo: Do not consume meat and fish, but eat eggs, milk, and dairy products such as cheese and yogurt.
  • Vegetarian Lakto: Do not consume meat, fish, and eggs, but consume milk and dairy products.
  • Vegetarian Ovo: Do not consume meat, fish, milk, and dairy products, but eat eggs.
  • Partial vegetarians: not eating meat, but consuming fish, eggs, milk, and dairy products.

Healthy benefits of vegetarian diets

Regardless of the type of vegetarian diet that is lived, this diet, in general, does have good benefits for health. The benefits have also been scientifically proven. Here are some of them:

1. Lowering the risk of death from coronary heart disease
Some studies show that people who consume vegetarian diets have a 25 percent lower risk of dying from coronary heart disease, compared to people consuming meat and meat products. 

The conclusion was taken after researching it in more than 70,000 adults.

To optimize protection against coronary heart disease, the energy source of the recommended food is high-fiber cereal. For example oats, brown rice, chocolate rice. It is also legumes – e.g. tofu, peanut, lentils, peas. 

This type of food is not only a good source of energy but also beneficial to maintain the stability of blood sugar levels and make the fullness last longer.

2. Lowering the risk of colon cancer
Medical science has proved that the consumption of many types of meat, especially red meat, can increase the risk of colon cancer. Conversely, foods that many fibers protect the intestine so that the colon risk is lower. 

A vegetarian diet, especially if inserting vegetables and fruit of high fiber in any portion of food, can effectively protect a person from colon cancer.

3. Reduce the risk of diabetes mellitus and its complications
Various studies have proven, vegetarian dieters have more stable blood sugar levels and have lower diabetes risk than people who do not. 

Among all types of vegetarian diets, which have the lowest risk of experiencing type 2 diabetes mellitus are the ones who undergo a vegan diet.

Moreover, the vegetarian diet also provides good benefits for diabetics. Diabetes who undergoes a meat-less diet has a lower risk of having diabetes complications.

4. Lowering the risk of obesity
Vegetarian diets lower the risk of obesity, even in people already experiencing excess weight (overweight). 

Not only that, vegetarian diets done consistently, in the long run, are also effective for weight loss and achieving ideal body weight. The weight loss effect began to be notified when the vegetarian diet had been lived for 6 months or more.

5. Lowering LDL Cholesterol levels
LDL cholesterol, or a type of bad cholesterol, is one of the main factors that cause narrowing of the blood vessels in various places in the body. 

A vegetarian diet rich in fiber vegetables and fruits will help lower levels of bad cholesterol by binding to cholesterol in the intestines.

To lower LDL cholesterol, one is recommended to consume a type of food rich in plant sterol. Examples include vegetable oils, various types of nuts (such as walnuts, pistachios, and almonds), as well as grains (e.g. chia seeds, barley, wheat).
You are reminded to always meet your nutritional needs, regardless of your dietary pattern. Therefore, make sure your body gets enough nutrients even if you undergo a vegetarian diet. Combine a variety of vegetables, seeds, and fruits in the daily menu. You can consult a nutritional physician or nutritionist to find out the nutritional needs and make a plan for the diet to be done properly.

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