Vitamin D deficiency makes life expectancy decreased?

Did you know that in addition to making a bone loss, vitamin D deficiency also lowers life expectancy? How can this happen?

Vitamin D is known as a good nutrient for bone health. Not only that, but this vitamin also works in maintaining the immune system and lowering the risk of disease.

This vitamin is often dubbed as the sunshine vitamin because it can be obtained from exposure to morning sunlight. You can get a supply of vitamin D by sunbathing in the morning sunlight for 5 – 10 minutes.

Vitamin D deficiency makes life expectancy decreased? | GOLELY

Everyone has different vitamin D needs, in adolescence up to 23 years and pregnant and nursing women, it takes 400 IU vitamin D in a day, adults aged 25 to 50 years require 200 IU vitamin D, age 51 to 70 years Requires 600 IU, and above 70 years require 800 IU vitamin D.

It is important to always pay attention to the adequacy of vitamin D daily. Not only to maintain bone health, but the adequacy of this vitamin is also associated with a longer life expectancy figure. In other words, if the need for vitamin D is not fulfilled, you will have a shorter life expectancy.

Vitamin D and life expectancy

Research finds that vitamin D deficiency is one of the factors that can reduce life expectancy.

The findings came from a 20-year search of over 78 thousand Austrian adults. Researchers say, participants with low vitamin D levels, almost three times more likely to die during the study period.

When asked about the hypothesis of the shocking findings, researchers convey that vitamin D deficiency is directly proportional to the occurrence of diabetes complications, multiple sclerosis, and some cancers.

However, although there are such hypotheses, not all of the scholars who join it agree. Because the research team has not been able to prove that vitamin D deficiency is a single factor from the occurrence of diabetes complications and various other life-threatening conditions.

Nevertheless, hypotheses on the findings add new evidence that vitamin D deficiency has the potential to cause more severe conditions than osteoporosis.

Tips for adequate vitamin D needs

Of course, with the findings above it is expected that many people are aware of the importance of vitamin D. So, the step you have to do is to strive to fulfill this one's daily needs of vitamins.

Although it is often associated with the morning sun, it is not the only source of vitamin D. This Vitamin can also be got from salmon, tuna, sardines, eggs, milk, and tofu.

If you have difficulties to consume these foods, there is no harm in consulting the doctor to obtain the most suitable vitamin D supplements.

Although it is not proven fully related to the reduction of life expectancy, it is still important to meet the needs of vitamin D. At least, think of your overall bone and body health.

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