Predictable Stroke attack 30 days in advance, note this!

According to research, a person who is experiencing this infection is three times more likely to be exposed to stroke, predicted to occur within 30 days after infection.

Studies have found that patients experiencing urinary tract infections are three times more likely to have a stroke. Stroke attacks are predicted to occur 30 days after the patient is infected. The results of this study were published by the American Heart Association (AHA) in the medical journal "Stroke" last June.

Stroke is one of the second-highest disease causes of death in the world, whose incidence rate is increasing. In addition to being able to lead to death, strokes can also cause specialty and disability. Not only does it affect physical health, but also the mental health of the sufferer.

Predictable Stroke attack 30 days in advance, note this! | GOLELY

A stroke occurs when the blood flow to the brain is disturbed either due to obstruction or bleeding, thereby causing blood flow to the brain to become impaired and the brain does not get the oxygen and food required by brain cells. Strokes occur in seconds to minutes and need medical treatment as soon as possible.

Therefore, you need to know the symptoms of stroke so that it can instantly seek medical help immediately. Common symptoms of a stroke are:

  • Disorders in speaking and understanding conversations.
  • Not feeling in the face area, or leg area often occurs only on one side of the body.
  • Vision disorders that occur in one or both eyes.
  • Sudden headaches are very severe and can be accompanied by vomiting, dizziness, or impaired consciousness.
  • Problems when walking, e.g. sudden dizziness, loss of balance, or loss of coordination of the body.
Stroke can be caused by many factors such as smoking, diabetes mellitus or sugar disease, and high blood pressure or hypertension. Everything is closely related to the incidence of stroke.

Can the Stroke be predicted through an infection?

Previous research has found a link between acute infections and ischemic strokes. However, this new study considers a broader type of infection as well as researching its relationship with two other types of stroke: hemorrhagic stroke of intracerebral hemorrhage (intracerebral hemorrhage) and hemorrhagic stroke subarachnoid hemorrhage ( Subarachnoid hemorrhage).

Researchers studied the data analysis collected in 2006-2013 from community hospitals in New York, USA, through inpatient data and emergency department data. Researchers examined infections of the skin, urinary tract, blood, stomach, and breathing. 

The strongest relationship is seen in urinary tract infections, which are associated with an increased risk of ischemic stroke by three times in 30 days after the patient is infected with urinary tract infections. For other types of infections, the risk of ischemic strokes drops as the day progresses after the infection occurs.

For the hemorrhagic stroke of intracerebral hemorrhage, the strongest connection is with urinary tract infections, blood infections, and respiratory infections.

At a subarachnoid hemorrhage stroke, the relationship found is only with respiratory infections.

These findings can be a good start to know whether immediate and precise treatment — such as administering vaccines and antibiotics — can make the condition better and lower the risk of stroke.

The findings can be a good start to find out whether vaccinations, antibiotics, or blood-clotting therapies can be used for infection prevention, and even prevent strokes in patients with high stroke risk.

Prevention of other strokes

In addition to being wary of infections, especially urinary tract infections, many other ways can be done to prevent stroke, namely by controlling the risk factors of stroke such as: 

  • Quit smoking
  • Controlling diabetes
  • Keep body weight ideal
  • Apply healthy eating patterns by increasing the consumption of vegetables and fruits
  • Sports Routine
  • Able to manage stress well
  • Limit or avoid drinking alcoholic beverages
  • Periodic Health Checks
With the discovery of the relationship between stroke attacks and infections, especially urinary tract infections, you need to be more alert. Because the stroke is predicted to occur within 30 days after the infection occurs. Do prevention by applying the living pattern mentioned earlier. This healthy lifestyle will not only prevent the occurrence of stroke but overall it can nourish the body and protect you from many other harmful diseases.