6 wellbeing issue because of most meat eating

Truly, at any rate, you are not prohibited to eat meat, since it contains an assortment of significant supplements, for example, proteins, nutrients B, zinc, and iron required by the body. However, you are also obliged to be careful and restrict the portion of meat consumed in order not excessive.

Although it is very beneficial to the body, eating too much meat can still hurt health. Ranging from mild to serious and life-threatening complaints

6 wellbeing issue because of most meat eating | GOLELY

Due to most meat-eating

Excessive eating of meat is not good for health. For this reason, it can cause the following conditions:

1. Bad Breath

Consuming too much meat can cause bad breath or halitosis. This condition can occur because the meat contains a lot of protein, which will later be converted into ketone objects.

This ketone is a breath of bad breath.

2. Constipation

Constipation can also occur in people who mostly eat meat. For, the flesh has virtually no fiber, so your gastrointestinal tract can be "clogged". Worse, the presence of meat at the dining table also often makes people forget to eat vegetables.

Due to the insufficient intake of fiber, constipation can not be avoided anymore. If constipation is not immediately handled, the risk of hemorrhoids will surge high.

3. Easy Thirst

Excessive consumption of meat will accumulate nitrogen – which is the result of protein breakdown – in the blood. The body will try to remove the excess nitrogen, one of them through urine.

If nitrogen levels are too high, the water coming out of the body through urine will also be very much. If not balanced by drinking enough water, dehydration can not be avoided anymore.

4. Weight Loss Increase

Consuming high-fat meats can increase your weight and cholesterol levels. Meat that is low in fat can also cause weight gain, especially when the amount of entry into the body is too much.

5. High cholesterol

Improper processing of meat, such as frying or using a lot of coconut milk, can increase the level of cholesterol in it. If you consume it excessively, what will happen then is high cholesterol?

High cholesterol usually does not have symptoms. However, in some cases, the condition may cause headaches, discomfort in the nape, tingling or numbness and chest pain.

6. Inflammation in the body

The research mentions that saturated fats present in meat can increase inflammation in the body. If you consume too much meat, it is not possible that the rate of inflammation will be very fast, so the function of important organs can be impaired.

Eating meat is legitimate. However, you should be careful not to be tempted to consume them excessively. Especially if there is still the rest over the next few days.

But if you are already in the aftermath of the majority of eating meat as described above, we recommend the consumption of vegetables and fruits. If necessary, you can stop eating meat for a while until your condition improves. If you are already experiencing the above-mentioned signs and symptoms, do not hesitate to cure your doctor immediately.

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