HER2 positive breast cancer, what does it mean?

Perhaps there is not much to know that breast cancer has many types, one of which is positive HER2 breast cancer. This type of breast cancer includes malignant and lethal. Let's know HER2 positive breast cancer further.

Breast cancer itself starts when the cells in the breasts begin to divide and grow uncontrollably. These cells will usually form tumors that can be seen in the results of the X-rays and are usually perceived as bumps. 

Bumps can be benign or malignant tumors. Tumors became malignant when the self-splitting cells were growing attacking surrounding tissues or spreading (metastases) to distant areas of the breast. Although women are most often experienced, breast cancer can also occur in men.

HER2 positive breast cancer, what does it mean? | GOLELY

The most common symptoms of breast cancer are lumps or masses. They are usually harsh, painless, and have irregular edges. Other symptoms include swelling of the breasts, skin irritation (sometimes it looks like an orange peel), pain and redness in the breast or nipple, and the nipple is drawn into. 

After going through a series of examinations such as mammography, breast ULTRASOUND, or even MRI, suspected malignant tumors will be examined further by biopsy. This biopsy sample is commonly used as a positive HER2 breast cancer test.

Positive HER2 breast cancer: symptoms, diagnosis, and handling

Some women who are affected by breast cancer have a higher protein level. This is known as HER2 positive. HER2 is a protein growth booster outside of all breast cells.

The meaning of HER2 positive is when breast cancer cells have a positive test for protein receptors called human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2). 

The task of such proteins is to help control how healthy breast cells grow, divide, and repair themselves. But sometimes, something goes wrong with a gene that controls HER2 proteins (also called ERBB2 genes) and a person's body creates too many of these receptors. 

As a result, breast cells grow and divide uncontrollably. About 1 in 5 breast cancer is HER2 positive. These malignant growths will in general develop and spread quicker than other bosom diseases. Ladies who are recently determined to have intrusive bosom malignancy ought to be tried for HER2.

The symptoms that arise in HER2 positive breast cancer are the same as the symptoms of breast cancer in general. Therefore, a further examination is required for the diagnosis of breast cancer with positive HER2. 

Four kinds of tests can be used for the diagnosis of positive HER2 breast cancer, namely with ImmunoHistoChemistry (IHC) test, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), the SPoT-Light HER2 CISH, and the use of Her2 Dual ISH. Each of these tests will show the results of the many HER2 genes found in breast cancer cells examined. 

For the treatment of breast cancer with HER2 positive, patients will undergo chemotherapy, radiotherapy, even surgery. However, there is special treatment in HER2 positive breast cancer, namely with targeted therapy. This therapy uses special medications that can block the receptor from HER2 to help prevent its cancer cells from growing.

Thus the explanation of what is HER2 positive breast cancer. Experts recommend that every invasive breast cancer is well tested for the existence of HER2 because the results will significantly affect recommendations and treatment decisions. Check breast regularly, because any type of breast cancer will be more easily treated if early diagnosis and the level of recovery is increased.

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