HER2 positive breast cancer, can it be healed?

Although HER2-positive type of breast cancer is more aggressive than other types, it does not mean that there is no therapy to cure it.

Like other types of cancer, breast cancer also has many types. One that includes malignant and deadly breast cancer is with HER2 positive status. This cancer is quite feared because of its aggressive cell properties. However, can HER2 positive breast cancer be cured?

HER2 positive breast cancer, can it be healed? | GOLELY

What is HER2 positive status?
Positive HER2-type breast cancer is a type of breast cancer where the test results indicate the presence of increased protein human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 or HER2.

Normally, HER2 proteins function to control the performance of healthy breast cells. Ranging from growth, cleavage, to the development and repair of these cells when subjected to damage.

When the breast has cancer, there is a change or mutation in the gene that regulates the production and performance of such HER2 proteins. This triggers the body to produce too much HER2 protein.

This will result in breast cells growing and splitting uncontrollably. This process then causes the growth of cancer tissues. This growth is malignant and can be harmful to the sufferer's body.

A total of 1 in 5 cases of breast cancer found to be HER2 positive. Although HER2 positive type of cancer is expressed more aggressive and dangerous than other types of breast cancer, it does not mean that no therapy can be done to overcome it.

There are some important steps to be able to deal with the case of HER2 positive breast cancer for a maximum cure.

Examination and therapy of HER2 positive breast cancer
Just like breast cancer generally, patients will be examined by common symptoms, such as the presence of a lump in the breast, changes in skin texture, discharge pus from the nipple, and so on.

Also, there are several specific tests conducted to detect the increase in HER2 protein in patients diagnosed with breast cancer.

Four types of tests are now available for HER2 detection:
  • IHC (Immuno Histo Chemistry) test
  • FISH (Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization) test
  • HER2-SPoT-Light CISH (Subtraction Probe Technology In Situ Hybridization) test
  • Opt HER2 Dual ISH (with Dual In Situ Hybridization) test
Each of these checks has its own interpretation and it is important to know which checks you need to pass for accurate results. The results of each of these tests will also help the doctor in determining the appropriate therapy as an option to deal with HER2-experienced breast cancer.

HER2 positive breast cancer is not very sensitive to hormone therapy, although it can still provide a therapeutic effect for the sufferer. Therefore, it is selected therapy that specifically targets the HER2 protein to make the results of treatment more optimal and effective.

Therapy with the specific properties of HER2 is very effective and can increase the number of healing significantly. Such therapies include drugs such as Lapatinib, Neratinib, Pertuzumab, Trastuzumab, and Ado-trastuzumab emtansine.

Not only that, but there are also several other types of therapies that are in the development stage. Hopefully, this new therapy can add an effective therapeutic option to cope with this malignant cancer.

Although malignant and deadly, HER2 positive breast cancer is still curable, especially when it is detected in the early stages. For that — especially for women — don't forget to check your breasts routine by checking your own breasts at home. When you find any discrepancy in the breasts, please feel free to check to the doctor.

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