Characteristics of breast cancer Stadium

Breast cancer should be detected immediately early. Let's know the characteristics of breast cancer according to the stadium.

Until now breast cancer is still a scourge that haunts women. Therefore, it is important to know the characteristics of breast cancer according to the stage, so that the treatment can be done immediately.

Increasing sufferers and the average mortality rate due to breast cancer is quite a concern. What exactly is its, so that every woman can be more vigilant?

Characteristics of breast cancer Stadium | GOLELY
The characteristics of breast cancer can differ according to the stadium. The stage of cancer starts from the early stage, which is divided into stages 0-3. Then, proceed by the advanced phase, namely Stage 4. 

Lump, the initial complaint of breast cancer

The main complaint that brings patients to the doctor is the presence of a lump in the breast. These lumps can be benign, but not infrequently also become the beginning of breast cancer.

In the early stage, the prognosis or life expectancy of sufferers can still be said quite large. 

This is very different from the advanced stage, where life expectancy will be smaller. That is, the sooner breast cancer is known in the early stage, then the cure rate of the disease will increase.

The stage of breast cancer is determined by physical examination and supporting examination in the form of biopsy. According to the American Joint Committee on Cancer Determination of the stage of breast cancer based on TNM, namely:

T: The size of the tumor and how far the tumor spreads in the breasts and other organs of the body.

N: The number of tumors that have spread to the lymph nodes.

M: Metastatic signaling the spread of tumors to distant organs.

Stage determination based on the above TNM plays an important role in treatment options as well as the prognosis (expectation of life).

Characteristics of breast cancer according to stage

With Stage 1 breast cancer patients usually find a lump that does not reach 2 cm. At this early stage, it has not been accompanied by spreading to the lymph nodes.

At stage 2, it can be found the size of a lump that exceeds 2 cm but less than 5 cm. At this stage can also be found distribution to the lymph nodes of the arm area that corresponds to the location of the lump.

In Stage 3, bumps have a size of over 5 cm accompanied by a spread to the lymph nodes in the armpits or other lymph nodes around the breast. 

At the advanced stage or Stage 4, cancer has been found to spread to other organs in the body, such as bones, brain, lungs, or liver.

In early-stage breast cancer sufferers can be found the following complaints:

  • There is a reddish sign in the breast area
  • There is a breast lump with a size of less than 2 cm
  • The newly perceived unsimetrisan breasts of late or a change in the size of one breast
  • Itching and redness of the nipple area
  • Pain in the breasts
  • Sudden discharge from breast nipple (clear or bloody fluid)
Meanwhile, at the advanced stage or Stage 4 can be found complaints as below:

  • Changes in breast texture, such as orange peel
  • Nipples can be attracted to
  • Lumps are getting bigger with an active pus-wound
  • There is a symptom of shortness of breath, nausea, and disorders of the bones which is a sign of metastatic to other organs
That is above the characteristics of breast cancer according to the stage that you need to know and beware. If you find the early characteristics of this cancer, please do not hesitate to check with your doctor for further examination. The sooner it is known in the early stages, breast cancer will be more readily treatable.

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