Notice this before giving the small drinking water

Behind the importance of the role of drinking water in the child, some things should be wary of maintaining his health. What are you?

The adequacy of drinking water is one of the absolute conditions for maintaining the health of the child. But did we know that the source of drinking water that is not assured of cleanliness can be a threat to health and growth of child's work?

Mother certainly knows that each region in Indonesia has a different source of drinking water. In urban areas such as Jakarta, most of its residents may already be able to provide adequate water requirements from taps that have been through a layered processing process.

Notice this before giving the small drinking water | GOLELY

Unlike some other parts of Indonesia. Not a few still use wells or pumps with water sourced from the ground. Even in inland areas, there are still quite a lot of people who rely on the sea, river, or lake as a source of water.

Regardless of the type of water source used, the first thing to note is cleanliness. Moreover, if the water is to be processed and used by the little child to drink.

The little one still does not have the perfect body endurance. When drinking water consumed does not come from a guaranteed source, it is riskier to experience infectious diseases.

In people who rely on groundwater, for example, a mother must ensure the source of water or well is located quite far from septic tank or similar disposal.

If the distance is too close, one of the threats is the bacterial contamination of E. Coli or Salmonella Typhi. Both types of bacteria can cause diarrhea, gastrointestinal disorders to typhoid fever if entering the body of the child.

The same is true for people who still rely on seawater, lakes, and rivers. This is because the source of such waters is very easily contaminated by pollution, e.g. by industrial waste or factories.

Water sources contaminated with heavy metals such as mercury due to exposure to industrial waste are very likely to damage the work of various organs if consumed. In the child, the condition of exposure to mercury in the body can interfere with the growing process of flowers.

So, what must be done so that the child only consume drinking water from a safe and reliable water source?

The best drinking water for the little ones

So that the water used to drink is completely safe, here are some things that need to be thoroughly observed:
  • For mothers who use groundwater, make sure the disposal or septic tank is located quite far from the water source.
  • If the mother uses surface water sources, such as from the sea, rivers or lakes, make sure the water source is far from the factory or similar industries and is in the area that is kept clean.
  • Check the physical condition of water. Make sure the water is clear, no foreign objects, no smell, and no deposits.
  • Boil water until boiling perfectly every time it will be used as drinking water.
  • Watch for drinking water storage. Clean up periodically and close tightly to avoid contamination.

Cleanliness and safety should be the main ones, including in the case of drinking water. Do not let the little one drink from a water source that is not guaranteed.

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