Discover the 7 types of autoimmune diseases that women often experience

Although it can happen to anyone, there are some types of autoimmune diseases that women are more commonly experienced. What are the examples?

Do you know that autoimmune diseases attack eight percent of the world's population and 78 percent of them are women? Although it is not yet known why women are more susceptible to experiencing it, it is worth recognizing what types of autoimmune diseases are more often experienced by women from now on.

Discover the 7 types of autoimmune diseases that women often experience | GOLELY

Why women are more vulnerable?

The reason for autoimmune diseases is more common in women than men still uncertain. However, some studies associate a history of previous infectious diseases that can trigger certain types of autoimmune.

Also, it is said that the prevalence of higher women is also thought to be a result of the X chromosome factor that has many genes associated with the immune system. The rooms have two X chromosomes. That's why it has a greater tendency to experience autoimmunity.

Autoimmune diseases that are more common in women

With no more length, here are some types of autoimmune diseases that women often experience.


Systemic Lupus erythematosus (SLE) or better known as lupus is a chronic inflammatory disease that occurs as a result of the immune system attacking its own body. In lupus, the process of inflammation that occurs can be about various organs.

For example, joints, skin, kidney, blood cells, brain, heart, and lungs. Symptoms vary depending on which organ is affected. That's why lupus symptoms vary widely and are difficult to diagnose in the early stages.

However, there is a typical symptom of lupus, which is a rash on the face that resembles a butterfly in the cheek area. The illness suffered by actress and singer Selena Gomez is often experienced 15-40 years old productive woman.

Sjögren Primer

The primary Sjögren or Sjögren's syndrome occurs when the body destroys the glands that produce tears and saliva. Sjögren's syndrome is also associated with rheumatic disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis (rheumatoid arthritis).

The commonly reported symptoms of Sjögren's syndrome are dry eyes and throat. The condition can ultimately cause difficulty in swallowing and eating disorders.

Also, it can include enlarged parotid glands, excessive fatigue, muscular pain, and joint pain. This syndrome is often found in women over 45 years of age.

Primary Biliary Cirrhosis

Primary biliary cirrhosis is an inflammatory condition of the liver bile duct resulting in obstruction. Bile plays an important role in digesting food, filtering out unworthy red blood cells, as well as cholesterol and body toxins.

Due to the blockage, there is a buildup of toxic substances that eventually cause cirrhosis of the liver. This type of autoimmune disease is commonly found in women aged 30-60 years.

Autoimmune thyroid

An autoimmune thyroid, also known as Hashimoto's disease, is an inflammation that occurs as a result of a body that attacks its thyroid gland. The thyroid gland is essential for the body's endocrine system. In Hashimoto's disease, thyroid function has been impaired so hypothyroidism occurs.

Symptoms are difficult to recognize because they are similar to those of hypothyroidism. Generally, the sufferer will be easy to get tired, weight gain tends to increase although they eat is not much. Also, some other symptoms should be considered as follows.

  • It doesn't stand cold.
  • There are lumps in the neck which are signs of enlargement of the thyroid gland.
  • Impaired concentration and easy to forget.
  • Cramps in the bones and muscles.
  • Hair is easy to fall out of.
  • Pain or tingling in the hands and feet.
  • Irregular menstruation and fertility disorders.
  • When sleeping.


Scleroderma or systemic sclerosis is a condition when the body's immune system attacks the connective tissues, forming scarring and thickening. This inflammation occurs in the skin, blood vessels, and internal organs.

Scleroderma occurs often in women aged 30-50 years. In addition to attacking the skin, autoimmune diseases are also common to attack organs, such as the heart, lungs, or kidneys. Of course, the symptoms are more serious. For example, breathing difficulties, hypertension, pulmonary hypertension, and others.

Graves disease

Graves ' disease causes the overactive thyroid gland to secrete thyroxine hormones. This makes the size of the thyroid gland enlarged and the Tiroidnya hormone levels increase (hyperthyroidism).

The disease, which was also suffered by rapper Missy Elliot, resulted in excessive body metabolism. This disease is more common in young women, which is about 20-35 years old.

Celiac disease

The disease that affects the gastrointestinal tract is also more experienced by women than men. Reported from the Beyond Celiac page, women in the general population who diagnosed Celiac disease are three times more than men.

Existing research indicates, 60-70 percent of people who are diagnosed with celiac disease are women. Celiac disease is a gastrointestinal tract disease caused by the reaction of an abnormal immune system or immunity to gluten.

Gluten itself is a protein found in foods containing wheat, rye, and barley. In addition to food, gluten can also be found on some medications, vitamins, and lipsticks.

There are several types of diseases related to gluten. Gluten intolerance occurs when the body cannot digest or destroy gluten. Some people with gluten intolerance have a mild sensitivity to gluten, while others have an autoimmune disorder i.e. celiac disease.

The seven types of diseases above are some of the more common autoimmune diseases that women suffer from. Other diseases also include vitiligo, psoriasis, multiple sclerosis, hemolytic anemia, and many more. If you experience some of the above symptoms, check with your doctor. More quickly detected, autoimmune diseases will be easier to handle.