Beware, 5 This disease starts from fever

The fever you up down? Please be wary, these five diseases can be preceded by fever.

Fever is not a disease, but a symptom of a health disorder. The increase in body temperature is a defense against the presence of infections affecting the body. You are said to be fever if the body temperature rises above the average normal temperature.

In adults, it is said fever if there is an increase in temperature above 38 oC (measured by mouth), or above 38.3 oC (measured by the anus or ears). While in children and toddlers, if the temperature reaches > 38 oC on the measurement through the anus.

Beware, 5 This disease starts from fever | GOLELY

Types of illnesses starting from fever

Here are some of the illnesses that originate from the fever that you need to know:

1. Dengue fever

Dengue fever is an infection caused by viruses. The Virus is transmitted by the bite of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. This disease occurs quite a lot in Indonesia, because of its increasing incidence in the rainy season.

Symptoms of dengue fever are sudden fever reaching 39 EC and lasts 2-7 days. In addition to fever, it can also be accompanied by muscle aches and bones, chills, weakness, headache, pain in the back of the eye, reddish rash in the skin and nausea vomiting.

2. Typhoid fever

As with dengue fever, typhoid fever is also pretty much struck by Indonesia. The disease occurs due to Salmonella typhi infections and is associated with poor environmental hygiene and sanitation. This is not surprising considering that most people love to snack carelessly.

Generally, typhoid fever lasts for more than 7 days. Temperatures slowly increase every day, unlike sudden high dengue fever. Fever complaints can be accompanied by disorders of the digestive system such as nausea, vomiting, bloating, diarrhea or constipation. Also, sufferers experience headaches, muscular and limb pain.

3. Malaria

Malaria is a disease caused by Plasmodium parasites. Malaria is transmitted via mosquito bites infected with a plasmodium parasite. 

Symptoms of fever in malaria may arise about 1 week after infection. The symptoms are known as Triassic malaria, consisting of fever, chills, and sweating.

4. Sore throat

Sore throat is a problem of all circles, from children to adults can also be attacked by this disease. Symptoms include fever, cough, cold, sneezing, swallowing pain and headache. Usually, the disease is caused by bacterial infections, so it requires antibiotic treatment.

5. Hepatitis

Hepatitis is an infectious disease on the liver caused by viral hepatitis. There are many different types of hepatitis viruses, namely hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E. But most often attack humans as hepatitis A, B, and C.

The signs and symptoms are fever, upper right abdominal pain, vomiting nausea, decreased appetite, weakness, fatigue, joint pain, skin jaundice and eye sclera, and dark-colored urine.

Fever is a sign of a disease in the body so it cannot be underestimated. If you have a constant fever of more than 3 days, then you should have a doctor to be able to be aware of the cause. In addition to a doctor's examination, you also need to perform a blood test in the laboratory to make sure.

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