7 Tips to overcome pelvic pain during pregnancy

Some women experience pelvic pain when pregnant. Because it can (increasingly) interfere with the convenience of activities, learn how to resolve it through this article.

Estimated, some 8 out of 10 women have experienced pelvic pain during pregnancy. Although it can be felt at any time, generally this complaint occurs during old pregnant. Know how to overcome it can help repel the inconvenience that arises.

The pelvic pain is known as the dysfunction pubic symphysis or pelvic girdle pain.

7 Tips to overcome pelvic pain during pregnancy | GOLELY

In general, this pelvic pain does not harm pregnant and fetal mothers. However, these symptoms can add to the inconvenience of activity.

Causes of pelvic pain in pregnant women

Many things can cause pelvic pain complaints when pregnant, starting from:
  • Uterine size increase due to the enlarged fetus.
  • The fetal head that presses the surrounding area (bladder, waist, or pelvis).
  • The production of the hormone relaxin during pregnancy that makes the joint supporter of the ligament softened.

The characteristics of pelvic pain during pregnancy are felt like menstrual cramps and pain in the pubic area, accompanied by back pain, and also felt in the area of the pelvis and anus. It can also signify the mouth of the uterus that starts to mature and opens, which is the beginning of the childbirth process.

Although it is referred to as pelvic pain, but this complaint can spread to other parts of the body. For example, to the pubic area, back, back, the area between the anus and the vagina (perineum), thighs, to the stomach.

Then, the intensity of pain can increase when performing certain movements, such as walking, ascending stairs, dressing (especially when wearing skirts or pants that must stand on one foot), turning positions during sleep, or when moving the feet separately (e.g. when exiting the car).

Conditions that make pregnant women more susceptible to pelvic pain

Several risk factors make a woman more likely to experience pelvic pain, such as:
  • Have had a pelvic injury, for example, due to fall or accident.
  • History of lower back pain or waist.
  • History of pelvic pain in the previous pregnancy.
  • The work is physically demanding.
  • Emotional and smoking pressure.
  • Increase in body mass index.

How to overcome pelvic pain during pregnancy

Pain experienced can be very disturbing the daily activity of pregnant women. However, don't worry because this complaint can be solved with these steps.

1. Stay Active

Expectant mothers must remain active in motion and exercise, such as yoga or special pregnancy gymnastics.

Water sports such as water gymnastics or swimming are also recommended, as well as Kegel gymnastics that are conducted daily to train the strength of the pelvic floor muscles.

2. Use of aids

For example with a belt to support the stomach. Its function is to reduce the burden of an enlarged stomach in the pelvis.

Also, use comfortable and safe footwear when worn. The recommended type is flat-base shoes that can support the footwell.

3. Don't Force Yourself

Get to know your complaints and don't push yourself to the activity, because you can even make your condition worse.

When experiencing pain, stop the activity temporarily and take a break. If pelvic pain is a frequent frequency, then consider limiting activity. Ask someone for help or delegate tasks if possible.

4. Set a comfortable position

On the move, look for the most comfortable position. For example, lying tilted while asleep, sitting on a dress, climbing stairs One after another slowly, bringing both knees together when going out of the car, and so on.

5. Do the massage

Expectant mothers can also do a pregnancy massage to reduce complaints of muscle pain. Look for professional therapists who are specifically dealing with pregnant women.

6. Compressor warm water bath

Bathing with warm water or cold compresses on areas of pain can also help to overcome them. A warm compress can also be tucked away on your back, buttocks, or legs to help relieve pain.

7. Acupuncture Treatment

Acupuncture can help relieve pelvic pain without the consumption of drugs. A study in "The American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology" reports that this alternative therapy can relieve back pain and pelvic pain in pregnant women.

Often, pelvic pain cannot be completely lost until delivery later. However, the seven above ways can help to overcome the pain of the pelvis. Note, if pain accompanied by fever, constantly, not lost even if it breaks, accompanied by burning sensation when urination, dizziness, and nausea, bleeding or green discharge from the vagina, see the doctor immediately.