Love drinking Boba, is it the effect for health?

Do you often and love to drink boba? Check out the good and bad effects for health here.

Boba fever is about to hit the community, especially millennials. This can be seen from the length of the queue of boba drinks outlets in the shopping centers of major cities. However, are there frequent and fond effects of drinking boba for health?

Love drinking Boba, is it the effect for health? | GOLELY

Bubble Tea and its history
The history of Bubble tea or Zhenzhu niche in his native country — Taiwan — originated in the 1980s. At that moment, a tired employee attending a long meeting poured the tapioca pudding into a tea drink. After the trial, it tastes good enough!

From this incident, I developed a bubble tea beverage, namely tea containing small pearls made from tapioca. This drink began to be popular in Asia in the 1990s. The popularity of bubble tea or boba grew increasingly since it penetrated Europe and America in the 2000s.

Nowadays, boba drinks have mushed around the world and become one of the most-liked drinks by people from different age groups, from children to adults.

Being a popular drink over the past few decades, the Boba effect on health began to be researched. One that draws attention is a report from a researcher in Germany. 

Researchers have stated that the tapioca pearls used to make the boba contain substances that can cause cancer. After that, the Boba beverage business was shaken because very many people stopped consuming it. 

Plus-minus Drink Bubble Tea
Apparently, the concern attracted researchers to find out if true boba could cause cancer. A series of research was conducted to find out about it. 

The result was found that Boba did not cause cancer or other health disorders. But, again there is still a question: is the right boba safe to consume?

Tea is generally known to have a good impact on health. Consuming tea can help reduce inflammation of the body and improve the work of the immune system. Adding fruits in a boba drink is also very helpful.

Fruits contain a variety of vitamins needed to support body function. For example, adding mango, strawberry, and Kiwi can provide an extra vitamin C that plays an important role in body endurance. 

However, it only applies when the added fruit is fresh, not sweet and flavored with fruit flavor.

Caffeine in tea or coffee and carbohydrates on tapioca pearls also provide additional energy. So, boba drinks are very suitable for drinking while feeling less energy or lack of enthusiasm. 

Tapioca — The main ingredient of a boba pearl maker — contains several substances beneficial to the body. For example, fiber, calcium, and folic acid. Also, cholesterol and salt levels in the tapioca are low, so it does not harm the body.

Unfortunately, along with the benefits gained by drinking bubble tea, there is also a bad impact from this drink to health. 

The sugar levels found in some boba mixture can be very high. This can increase the risk of various diseases, including obesity, diabetes, and other health disorders. 

Also, the pearls made of tapioca are mainly carbohydrate-containing. Although it can provide additional energy, this eating ingredient has no nutritional content needed by the human body. 

A cup of pearls can reach more than 500 calories. By adding sweet milk, calorie drink boba increased about 135 calories again. When combined, the total calories from the boba drink often exceed 500 calories.

This can obviously increase the risk of increased weight gain. Therefore, if someone often consumes boba, the risk of obesity is increased.

The risk of weight gain behind boba drinking habits is unsettling. However, for fans of this drink, there is no need to feel sad. In order not to get bad health effects, choose a drink with low sugar content, or even sugar-free. Avoid adding sweet syrup to fruit flavor because it has no nutritional value. So you can still keep drinking boba, but don't get too often.

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