Osteoporosis and Osteomalacia, how to distinguish it?
Equally making brittle bones, osteoporosis and osteomalacia are two different things. How to differentiate?
Osteoporosis and Osteomalacia are known to have similarities in terms of causing brittle bones. However, both can be distinguished by definition, cause, and characteristic or symptom of the sufferer. See further explanation!
Osteoporosis is a bone disease characterized by decreased overall bone density. The bones become porous and are prone to fractures. Meanwhile, Osteomalacia is a disorder in the bone that causes the bone soft, so it is easily broken.
Osteoporosis or bone deterioration occurs due to the inability of the body to regulate the mineral content in the bones and accompanied by the inner decay of the bones. The main cause is hormonal factors and increasing age.
Women are known to be more susceptible to osteoporosis than men. Then, as the age or age above 35 years will make the bone mass deteriorate.
The difference with Osteomalacia is that bone disorder is caused by vitamin D deficiency, phosphate, and calcium. These three components are the main substances that support bone health, so the bones will be formed firmly. Also, Osteomalacia can be caused by inadequate body ability in absorbing vitamin D and getting a little exposure to sunlight. That is why osteomalacia can occur in children.
Osteoporosis belongs to the category of "silent killer" as it does not exhibit symptoms that indicate a decrease in bone density unless detected during bone density tests. Often, osteoporosis is discovered after a patient has fallen and fractures.
The symptoms of Osteomalacia can be clearly known because of changes in the shape of the bones, such as the backbone, arms, and lower limbs. The patient can also experience a curved leg into the letter "O", the chest of the bow, and the knee resembles the letter "X".
In adults, bone weakness makes the bones soft and becomes short, so the sufferer will be reduced in height. Retractable skull bones can alter the shape of the thoracic bone (the part between the head and abdomen). This makes the patient look like a humpback.
Other symptoms that can accompany include weight loss, muscular weakness, bone pain, and difficulty swallowing.
Diagnosis of osteoporosis can be enforced using bone mineral density (BMD) examination to see bone density. In Osteomalasia, blood screening to see vitamin D, calcium, and phosphate levels are mandatory.
Also, it can be conducted X-ray examination for both diseases above, given that there are complications in the form of cracks or fractures.
The principle of osteoporosis treatment is increasing bone density and avoiding the risk of falling. Treatment can be adjusted with age, gender, severity, or other medical conditions.
Patients with osteoporosis need to be given intake of calcium and vitamin D. It can also be administered bisphosphonate, strontium ranelate, as well as hormonal drugs.
In the treatment of patients with osteomalacia, treatment options should be discussed with the doctor. But based on the cause, Osteomalacia treatment can be sought by overcoming the deficiency of vitamin D and phosphate deficiency.
Although osteoporosis and osteomalacia are different medical conditions, the precautionary principle between the two is more or less the same, by doing the tips below.
> Consumption of high calcium foods such as dairy products, nuts, or yeast.
> Consumption of high vitamin D foods such as fish oil, eggs, cereals, bread, milk, or yogurt.
> Reduce sodium, salt, or marinated foods.
> Avoid high-fat foods.
> Avoid excessive drinking coffee because it can release a lot of calcium, reduce also soft drinks drink because it can inhibit the absorption of calcium.
> Avoid alcoholic beverages and cigarettes as they can absorb calcium reserves in the body.
> Keep your weight ideal.
> Make sure it is often exposed to morning sunlight. Exposure to sunlight can be obtained for 15-30 minutes at 6-9 in the morning.
> Exercise routine.
Get here, no more confused in distinguishing osteoporosis and osteomalacia, yes! Although the bones are equally brittle, osteoporosis is a different condition, which is not the same way of handling. If you experience any of the symptoms mentioned above, let alone have a risk factor, it is advisable to consult a doctor to prevent unwanted things.