Reasons for old eyes before age 40 years

At the point when an individual turns 40 years of age, the utilization of glasses is important to defeat more established eyes. Distinguish the reason for this condition. 

In some people, the condition of an old eye or presbyopia occurs faster. It is said that one of the causes of this matter is closely related to the shift in life due to the activity of one day.

Along with the times, technological developments are also growing rapidly. The activities and daily work are very dependent on the technology and various gadgets that exist, so that work with close quarters more and more often.

Reasons for old eyes before age 40 years | GOLELY

Know the old eye condition

The old eye or so-called presbyopia is a condition in which the eye slowly decreases the sharpness of close-up vision.

This is closely related to the aging process. Therefore, it is very normal if the Presbiopi starts to occur when a person turns 40 years old.

When subjected to presbyopia, interference with the lens will cause limitations in a close look. In the end, a person will try to keep the object you want to see from a close distance so that it can see clearly. 

In normal conditions, the lens is flexible, so it can change shape and produce good accommodation to see objects either remotely or near.

When it turns 40 years old, the lens will become more rigid and difficult to change shape. Consequently, it will be difficult to do activities nearby. 

An unresolved old eye will cause complaints of tired eyes and headaches. Presbyopia conditions can be overcome by using eyeglasses, contact lenses or surgery.

Early presbyopia conditions

Normally, due to the aging process that occurs in the lens of the eye, one will experience the old eye at the age of 40 years. This condition makes the person should use the reading glasses with a size of 1 dioptre or often known as plus one.

However, it does not close the possibility that one should use reading glasses at a younger age. 

Based on research conducted in one of the hospitals in India, there are about 12 percent early presbyopia sufferers with an average age of about 36 years.

Complaints that are felt by them are difficult to do activities or work with close quarters before stepping at the age of 40 years. Also, complaints can be addressed by the use of reading glasses, so that they can be concluded that they are experiencing premature presbyopia.

Causes of premature presbyopia

A person may need the help of glasses to be able to perform close-up activities before the age of 40 years or experiencing premature presbyopia due to several risk factors, such as:
  • Excessive use of gadgets
Based on various medical studies conducted in presbyopia at a young age, it was found that the use of gadgets had a big role to trigger it.

The use of long-term gadgets has an impact on decreased lens flexibility. The prolonged focus when staring at gadget screens can cause tired eyes and trigger stiffness in lenses that lead to early presbyopia. 
  • Suffering from systemic diseases
Various systemic diseases can affect the flexibility of the lens to cause early presbyopia. Some diseases that can trigger it include diabetes, anemia, and heart disease.

Therefore, it is very important to perform routine inspections, so that it can be done early detection and control over the systemic diseases.
  • Alcohol consumption
Having a history of alcohol consumption may not cause direct presbyopia, but can be one of the risk factors of older eyes at a young age. 

A few examinations uncover that smoking history, sun introduction, and a past filled with labor beyond what multiple times can likewise be one of the trigger elements of presbyopia at a youthful age. In any case, regardless it requires further research.

Therefore, it is very important to do the prevention of presbyopia occurring faster by controlling the likelihood of existing risk factors.

Proper use of gadgets, control of various systemic diseases and limiting alcohol consumption can help prevent the occurrence of presbyopia or early eye.

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