Water lemongrass to overcome gastric acid problem, effective?
Drinking lemongrass water mentioned potent to overcome the problem of stomach acid. But medically, is this how effective?
Lemongrass is often used as a mixture of cuisine or beverages or made aromatherapy. Beyond that, many also make use of the water of its stew to overcome gastric acid problems. However, is it really effective?
Lemongrass is already part of the treatment of fever, rheumatism, joint pain, indigestion, and menstrual disorders in some countries. However, the way the presentation can affect its antioxidant levels.
Serving lemongrass with hot water will be more potent to ward off free radicals than the presentation with cold water.
Therefore, lemongrass water is believed to cure a variety of diseases, including stomach acid problems. Because, its antioxidant levels are very high, so it can ward off free radicals.
Researchers also believe that, when gastric acids rise to the esophagus (due to gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD), then it can bring free radicals to the esophagus layer. As a result, the sufferer is at risk of esophagitis.
Esophagitis is an inflammation of the esophagus layer. These conditions can cause pain and difficulty in swallowing, as well as the pain in the chest.
The duration of healing of esophagitis will depend on the endurance of the sufferer. If the body endurance is in good condition, it will heal within 2 weeks.
If the sufferer's resistance is low, the healing process can be longer. The improperly treated esophagitis condition can cause the wound and narrowing of the esophagus. In the end, cancer of the esophagus lurk.
Patients with esophagitis should be taken to the doctor immediately when they have severe symptoms. These symptoms, such as chest pain, are difficult to swallow water even in small quantities and feel like there is food stuck in the esophagus.
By consuming warm lemongrass water, antioxidants in it can make the stomach calmer because the stomach acid has been neutralized. Nevertheless, in the problem of the stomach that has been done badly, medical consultation and medicines needed. Lemongrass water can be drunk if allowed by the doctor, to avoid interactions with prescribed medication.
Also, to date, the treatment that is recommended to overcome gastric acid that rises to the esophagus is by a group of proton pump inhibitors, such as omeprazole and Lansoprazole.
In some people, lemongrass water may be more delicious if added with sour citrus fruits. However, if you have a stomach problem, it is better to hold the desire first. Because the acid flavor of citrus fruits can precisely increase stomach acid and make the liver sore.
Tips to prevent rising stomach acid
Lemongrass water does contain high antioxidants, so it can make the stomach condition quieter. However, if your focus is to control and prevent the rise of gastric acid into the esophagus or GERD is advised you to make changes in life patterns, such as:
- Eat regularly with frequent frequencies and small portions
- Do not immediately lie down or sleep after meals
- Avoid cigarettes, alcoholic beverages, and sparkling beverages
- Manage stress better
- Sleep enough, at least 8 hours a day
- Regular exercise, at least 3 times a week, each for 30 minutes
You can indeed drink lemongrass water to overcome the problem of gastric acid. But remember, if the stomach acid problem is severe, it should be checked to the doctor so that the handling is more effective. Do also suggested lifestyle changes to prevent gastric acid problems coming back.