4 healthy benefits of Italian style coffee

Know no, the habit of drinking Italian-style coffee can bring benefits to the health of the body. In the same way, hurry up

Those who need to emulate from the Italians are not just the style of dressing or how to enjoy the food and live, but also through the coffee. Having an Italian-style coffee, an espresso, can bring a lot of health benefits.

For coffee connoisseurs, espresso coffee is not an alien thing anymore. Yes, this method of Italian coffee making is one of the coffee that is enjoyed by coffee lovers, especially at busy times. Because only a small cup of espresso is believed to improve mood and increase concentration.

4 healthy benefits of Italian style coffee | GOLELY

Introduction to Espresso, Italian coffee

Espresso is one type of coffee that is almost always in a coffee shop that originated in Italy. This type of coffee was born from a coffee shop in the city of Venice, which later became popular because of its manufacturing process is different from other types of coffee.

In Italy, in general, various types of coffee have been prepared in the coffee machine before any order from the customer. At that time, the only new coffee made from the raw material when there was order was coffee with the method of Espresso.

At the Italian coffee shop, this method is done by destroying 5-7 grams of coffee beans, then mixing it with high-pressure hot water in a short time, and produce 30 milliliters of espresso coffee taken using small porcelain cups.

The espresso method can also be done at home using an aluminum tool called Moka pot. Hot water is placed in the lower mocha pot. Then the coffee is placed on top. Coffee will be steamed through boiling water pressure, and be a strong and flavorful coffee.

With this Italian coffee drink, the drinkers will enjoy the flavor and effect of coffee without added sugar or creamer that can harm the health.

Healthy benefits of drinking coffee

In principle, coffee lovers are encouraged to consume coffee without additional sugar or creamer. Espresso can be a good alternative. Medical studies have proved that pure black coffee consumption has several benefits, among which are:

1. Lowering the risk of heart disease

The American Heart Association (AHA) has conducted a study involving more than a million people to know the impact of coffee on the risk of coronary heart disease.

The results show people who consume coffee as much as 300-450 milliliters per day has a heart disease risk of 10-20 percent lower than those who do not drink coffee. This effect is thought to occur due to the content of phenolic, chlorogenic acid, and some types of minerals in coffee.

2. Lower the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus

A study published by Diabetes Care involving more than a million people shows coffee has a protective effect on type 2 Diabetes mellitus.

Sugarless black coffee drinkers and creamers as much as 2-3 cups a day have a lower risk of having diabetes. This is because coffee can lead to the hormone insulin — the hormone that regulates blood sugar — becomes more sensitive and works more optimally.

3. Maintain Lever Health

The chemical compounds in coffee have good benefits for the regeneration of liver cells. Even for fatty liver patients, the habit of drinking coffee can prevent long-term complications in the form of liver failure.

4. Lowering the risk of depression

A study published in the "Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry" reported, people who routinely drink coffee 3-4 cups per day have a depression risk of 30-40 percent lower than those who have no habit. The effect is gained because caffeine stimulates the brain to prevent "falling" in depression.

Also, chlorogenic acid substances in coffee are as beneficial as anti-inflammation and antioxidants. This effect indirectly also affects mental health.

For the coffee drinkers, try to emulate the coffee drink of the Italian style. Sipping a small cup of espresso can be a good choice to enjoy the flavor of coffee as well as get the benefits of its health. Don't you like espresso? Other black coffee can also bring benefits for health, as long as it is not mixed with sugar or creamer. One more thing, avoid the coffee in an empty stomach, yes!

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