Don't do this when you want to check your health

When health check there is no written rule. Even when you break it can affect the outcome. Avoid these things

Do you have to do a health check for the data where you work? You want the best results. However, please be aware that some habits may affect the analysis or results of the test?

You may be given a certain disease if you do not discuss the actual condition. If in fact, you are healthy, it can be considered unhealthy by doctors. Incorrect analysis can occur if you add or subtract information when consulting. Also, it can affect the outcome of the health screening you are going to undergo.
Don't do this when you want to check your health | GOLELY

Sometimes, you think the Doctor is the wrong analysis. Mistakes originate from you. Reported from Webmd, according to Stephen Permut, MD of Temple University School of Medicine in Philadelphia, USA, some patients already understood this rule. However, many more do not understand. For the maximum doctor's health analysis results, the patient's job is to avoid any of the following when consulting with a doctor.

1. Avoid drinking coffee before blood pressure checking

The caffeine content in coffee, energizing or sparkling beverages can make blood pressure soaring high. Especially if you cut it one hour before blood pressure checking is taking place.

This also applies to you who consume or use tobacco-containing products. Such effects are also obtained when you are taking medicines containing decongestants. Consuming some of these things can make an analysis of the doctor inaccurate.

2. Before taking the blood, avoid high-fatty foods

You need to know, foods that contain unbalanced nutrients with high fatty ones will interfere with the results of your blood analysis. If you rarely eat the food.

This will certainly cause the results of blood examinations to be done to not describe the condition of your body daily. Before checking the blood, you will generally be asked to fast at least 8-10 hours to get a representative result. Don't forget to follow the rules.

3. Drink water a little before the physical test

If you do a complete general check-up, one of the checks that will be undertaken is a physical test. Generally, you will be asked to run on the treadmill for some time. Of course, this will drain your energy for those who do not routinely exercise. The body will produce a lot of sweat.

Drinking plenty of water keeps yourself spared from dehydration so that the pulse and blood pressure are in the best condition. Dehydration from fluid deficiency can also interfere with the results of your blood or urine test.

4. Eating does not fit the normal portion

Eat food according to the usual portion of daily spent. If you do not eat normally before the health check-up, the results are certainly less representative of the body condition now.

Not infrequently some people do this to be assessed more fit than the results of the test obtained. This is contrary to the purpose of health check-up that wants to know the history and potential of the disease to be handled properly. Feel free, to be honest, and do something as usual so that the doctor's health analysis is more accurate.

5. Do not take medications outside of the doctor's prescription

When you are sick, doctors will generally evaluate the symptoms that arise without the side effects of drugs that are sold freely. This is done so that the doctor knows the impact of the symptoms in your body.

Also, some medications can increase blood pressure to potentially interfere with the test results. For example, if you are a fever, it will generally consume heat, paracetamol, or ibuprofen. It will make your doctor's analysis biased.

Doctors do not know the patient's fever pattern accurately. This fever pattern can show the symptoms of certain diseases. So, the illness you experienced can be immediately known and overcome. However, if you need medication, don't forget to tell it when consulting a doctor.

6. Not doing any beauty treatment before consulting a doctor

Did you know that nails and skin can be an indicator that helps the doctor to demonstrate crucial health problems? For example, the problem of anemia, diabetes, and also heart disease.

You should avoid doing beauty treatment when you are going to consult a doctor, such as a manicure, pedicure, or scrubbing. It will only disguise the signs and symptoms of these crucial diseases. Excessive use of cosmetics is also less recommended so that the doctor can analyze the problem of your facial skin.

7. Better keep consumption of alcoholic beverages

Alcohol will alter the levels of triglycerides in your body. This is one type of fat included in the measurement component of cholesterol levels. Avoid alcohol consumption at least 24 hours before a medical test or doctor's consultation.

This is done so that the doctor's analysis results are more accurate. Increased triglycerides can also occur if you eat excessively before checking.

In addition to some things to avoid above, you should also note some of the things you want to ask when you check your health. Never miss a thing. Remember, shame asking can be perverted on the road. You don't want to be "lost" to health, right.

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