8 easy ways to overcome flatulence

Although not dangerous, flatulence can interfere with daily activities. Don't be left, follow the easy way to cope with flatulence here.

Often overlooked because it is considered able to disappear on its own, but the fact of flatulence can be very disturbing daily activities. There are many easy ways to cope with flatulence.

The complaint of flatulence, or in the medical world known by the term Meteorismus, is a symptom indicating the presence of air or gas in the abdominal or intestinal cavity. This condition can be experienced in all ages, ranging from babies to elderly people.

8 easy ways to overcome flatulence | GOLELY

Flatulence can be a single complaint or can be accompanied by other symptoms such as heartburn, nausea, vomiting, or discomfort in the stomach. The journey of complaints is difficult to determine. Some evidence mentions that flatulence is associated with hypersensitivity to the intestines, gas buildup, or bacterial activity in the intestines.

Easy ways to cope with flatulence

In general, the prevention of flatulence is to avoid foods that can cause gas production indigestion. But if the flatulence has already appeared, immediately do the following ways to get it immediately.

1. Drink water

Water can remove the waste from the digestive system and move the intestines when you are experiencing constipation. Warm water has a vasodilator effect, which is to have the effect of widening blood vessels and stimulates blood flow to the intestines, thereby supporting digestive processes. Also, drinking warm water helps cleanse the intestines to avoid flatulence.

Take a habit to drink warm water in the morning when the stomach condition is still empty. So that when you eat, the warm temperature will help emulsifier the fats and make them easier to digest.

2. Eat more fiber

Given one of the most common causes of flatulence is constipation, for it is advised to eat more fibers.

Constipation generally occurs due to less motion and less fiber. When constipation, feces are held long in the intestines. This causes the bacteria inside the feces to multiply and produce more gases.

It is recommended to consume high-fiber foods such as green vegetables, fruit, or cereals, grains such as oats.

Although it is recommended, do not add too much fiber too fast, because flatulence will be more severe. The body takes time to familiarize themselves with the intake of increased fiber.

3. Reduce gas-containing foods

Some types of foods containing gases such as cabbage, cauliflower, cassava leaves, broccoli, banana Ambon, dried fruits, and jackfruit. Instead of being banned, but try not to consume the food excessively.

4. Actively moving

Know no, just 10 minutes fast road can relieve bloating, lo! The activity will help the gas pass through the digestive tract faster, the abdominal bloating complaint will slowly disappear.

5. Consumption of dairy products well

Lactose intolerance sufferers will experience a flatulence complaint when consuming milk or dairy products such as cheese, yogurt, or mayonnaise. Take care to consume them. Start with a small portion and slowly increase its level over time.

If flatulence complaints are still occurring or worse, you can try switching to vegetable dairy products such as soy milk or other lactose-free products.

6. Do not eat too fast

One of the main causes of bloating is to swallow too much air while you eat. Generally, this happens to people who have a habit of eating too quickly, talking while eating, drinking from a straw, or drinking a lot of soda.

To overcome this, you are advised to eat gently with the mouth closed. Spend one portion of the meal within 15-30 minutes.

7. Drink Peppermint tea

Peppermint is popularly used to relieve disorders of the gastrointestinal tract because it contains the active ingredient menthol and Menthone.

The content of these substances has an antispasmodic effect (reducing contraction) and relieves uncomfortable complaints in the gastrointestinal tract.

8. Consumption of turmeric

The study published in the "World Journal of Gastroenterology" says that turmeric contains the active ingredient curcumin which can relieve bloating and soothed.

Curcumin is a fat-soluble antioxidant that makes turmeric yellow to orange. In research conducted against 440 people with gastrointestinal disorders, respondents who consume turmeric extracts daily are seen to have improved symptoms of abdominal pain, flatulence, and up to 67 percent.

Although not dangerous, the complaint of flatulence should not be left unjust. Use an easy way to cope with flatulence as mentioned above. Not hard, right? Even so, if the frequency of flatulence is often or you are the first time to experience it, consult a doctor especially if accompanied by other symptoms.

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