Recognize the effect of Stroke on whole body

The stroke becomes a disease that many people feared. In addition to causing defects in a person, stroke can also cause death.

Symptoms that arise after a stroke attack depend on several factors, such as age, the location of the affected blood vessels, the stroke type, the extent of the affected part of the brain, and how quickly the initial treatment of the attack occurs.

Recognize the effect of Stroke on whole body | GOLELY

The following are some of the residual symptoms that affect body function after a stroke attack, among others:

1. Body weakness, stiffness, and impaired balance

Post-stroke, not to be denied to many sufferers who complained of the crew members were weak and still difficult to move. The occurrence of obstruction or rupture of vessels in the brain is the most common cerebral artery blood vessel. The middle cerebral artery in the brain emits a majority of the brain so that when it experiences interference it will give more than one symptom.

Stiffness in the limb is also sometimes complained of by sufferers. This stiffness is associated with lesions of the affected motor nerve. Also, sometimes post-attack tremor occurs in some people. Tremor symptoms will generally interfere with the movement and balance of the sufferer.

2. Sensory Disturbances

Sensory disorders such as smooth and coarse-grained, proprioceptive, as well as appoint two distinct points relate to the degree of weakness and severity of the stroke. This will also be related to the recovery process.

Sensory and motor disorders in stroke sufferers are very closely related. Stroke sufferers who have both disorders, tend to be lazy to move because they feel inadequate.

If this is left, it will increase the occurrence of stroke-related pain, where stiff muscles will stimulate the production of pain through the Propioceptor. So it will cause pain, burning or tingling sensation in the limb.

3. Seizure

Stroke sufferers can experience symptoms of seizures, especially in cases of bleeding strokes. Seizures occur due to impaired electrical transmission in the brain. In the case of bleeding strokes, a blood clot in a part of the brain that is considered as a foreign body will affect the electrical conduction in the brain.

Usually, with surgical techniques (surgery) to evacuate blood clots, it can help to reduce the risk of seizures. Patients should also use anti convulsions as prevention, the duration of antiseizure medication also depends on the condition of the sufferer.

4. Cognitive disorders

Stroke and disorder recall are two things that relate. Stroke can cause vascular dementia, which is damage to the memory caused by the presence of disorders in the blood vessels of the brain. These cognitive disorders do not appear abruptly after a stroke attack, but rather will appear at a later date. Usually, family members will complain of sufferers easily forget, confused and difficult to concentrate.

5. Mood disorders

Not being denied a stroke can cause disability and functional disorders. Some manifestations of neurobehavior symptoms that commonly occur in post-attack stroke one of them are depression. The depression that occurs in stroke sufferers is influenced by many factors such as the degree of physical disability occurring, the location of the affected blood vessels, and the personality traits of previous patients and the presence or absence of previous depressive history.

Post-stroke depression generally appears at 3 months in the beginning, after a stroke attack. Some symptoms are like a lot of silence, decreased appetite, pulling away from the surrounding environment.

When the symptoms of depression that arise are not treated early, it will inhibit the rehabilitation process and will decrease the spirit of the sufferer. There is moral support from the family and the surrounding environment in the rehabilitation process so that stroke sufferers are spared from depression and have a spirit of return.

6. Speech and language disorders

Speech and speaking disorder in stroke patients is called an Aphasia. Not only does Aphasia include the ability to speak and speak in decline, the ability to write and read is also affected.

Some kinds of aphasia generally occur in stroke patients.  First, the global aphasia, this is the most severe type of aphasia. People do not understand talks and are difficult to read, write and speak.

The second type is the Aphasia Broca, where the sufferer understands the talks but difficulties to speak. The third is the Aphasia Wernick, where the patient can speak and speak like a person in general. But what is said often has no meaning and does not connect with the interlocutor?

7. Necessary Therapies

Residual symptoms that occur in the stroke can not be directly lost, but can be recovered with some therapies that can be done, among others:

  • Physical Therapy – practice standing, walking, sitting, bending of the limb, and so forth. This therapy serves to exercise strengthening the patient's physical and preventing stiffness in muscles.
  • Speech therapy – practice communication and language can be done. This therapy helps the person practicing the letter or word clearly. Non-verbal communication such as body language can be used, if not yet able to use verbal communication.
  • Psychological therapy – this therapy is useful to reduce the stress due to the stroke experienced and prevent the occurrence of depression in patients.
Besides doing therapy, the sufferer must consume medicines that have been given by the doctor and apply a healthy diet. This is done to support the patient's rehabilitation process to obtain good results and prevent subsequent stroke attacks.

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