Diseases that can be transmitted by breast milk

The benefit of breast milk has no need to be disputed anymore. But, some diseases can be transmitted through breast milk. What are you?

The exclusive delivery of breast milk in infants during the first 6 months of his life is the main foundation for developing health and intelligence in the future. However, not only nutrition but breast milk can also transmit disease from the mother to her baby. Then, what is the disease?

In fact, breast milk already contains all the nutrients that babies need. However, the diet and intake of the mother can greatly influence the bad condition of the breast milk given. Likewise, the medicines consumed and infectious diseases may be suffered.

Diseases that can be transmitted by breast milk | GOLELY

You certainly do not want to transmit the disease to the child while breastfeeding. Therefore, before giving the child breast milk, it is important to know what diseases can be transmitted through breast milk.

A row of diseases that can be transmitted through breast milk

The diseases are contagious in infants through breast-feeding, namely:

  • HIV
The disease is quite creepy and becomes a frightening scourge for everyone around the world because there is no cure yet. Mother with HIV is advised not to breastfeed her baby, because it can transmit this disease by 4-22 percent.

  • Hepatitis
All types of hepatitis, including hepatitis A, B, and C, can be transmitted through breast milk. However, the transmission can be prevented by vaccination in infants, so that mothers can still breastfeed.

For mothers suffering from hepatitis A, it is recommended that infants immediately be given immunoglobulin and HAV immunization. Similarly, hepatitis B, infants can be given HBIG (hepatitis B immune globulin) and is followed by the administration of the hepatitis B vaccine.

On the other hand, some experts say that breast milk actually contains antibodies that can make the baby's body immune to the disease.

  • Varicella-zoster virus Infection (VZV)
If you suffer from this viral infection and are still actively transmitted, it should not take care of the little ones directly. The little ones can be cared for by other family members and given the breast milk from you.

It is feared that there are smallpox scars in your breasts that can contaminate breast milk. Preferably, the little ones are given immunoglobulin varicella-zoster.

  • Virus Herpes simplex infection (HSV)
As long as the wound is not present in the breast and nipple area, you are still allowed to breastfeed the little ones directly. If there is a problem, you can give the milk of the dairy that is optimized to avoid contaminated herpes wounds.

  • Cytomegalovirus infection (CMV)
If the child is born enough months and with normal weight, then the giving of breast milk can still be done. However, better consult your pediatrician before giving breast milk.

  • Tuberculosis infection (TBC)
The mother with tuberculosis infection can provide breast milk if it is not contagious or after taking the drug, at least for 2 weeks.

You will also be advised to use masks during the care of your child and for a while, you should avoid kissing the little ones.

Some diseases can indeed be transmitted through breast milk. However, it is worth remembering that the benefits of breastfeeding in the child are still higher than the likelihood of the risk of infection of some diseases.

Therefore, breast milk should still be given. Except for diseases whose transmission risk is substantial, such as HIV. If you still feel less confident, consult a pediatrician regarding the advice of breast-feeding. During lactation, always pay attention to the nutritional intake and exercise a healthy lifestyle.

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