Do not want to breakfast it

Instead of energizing, the body even limbs after breakfast. If you don't want it to happen, avoid some of these foods in your breakfast menu.

Breakfast is an important mealtime to improve the productivity of work, memory and thinking skills, as well as lowering the risk of high cholesterol, diabetes, and overweight. However, some people instead of Slogans after breakfast. If you do not want to have a weak body breakfast, some foods should be avoided.

When the body feels weak after eating breakfast, it can be wrong with the breakfast menu. The Food Menu at breakfast will greatly affect the body's energy. To be more passionate about running activities throughout the day, you may need to change some breakfast menus.

Do not want to breakfast it | GOLELY

Because, the condition of weakness of the body after breakfast is often associated with the consumption of certain foods that cause blood sugar levels to increase rapidly, but in a short time back decreases. 

Usually, it is due to the consumption of foods containing sugar and high carbohydrate. In medical language, this condition is called postprandial somnolence or food coma, which is a condition that makes a person feel sleepy and limber after eating.

Don't have breakfast with this menu

If you don't want to be weak after breakfast, here are some types of food to avoid:

1. Cereal high in sugar and low fiber

Cereals that are high in carbohydrates or sugar and low in fiber can cause blood sugar levels to increase suddenly, then drop quickly. It can make you feel weak and have decreased passion in the morning. 

For breakfast, nutritionists recommend cereals that contain at least 3 grams of fiber per serving. You can also further increase your fiber intake by adding berries, wheat seeds, flax seeds, or almond nut slices. 

2. Processed Flour Food

Most of the waffles, pancakes, bread, and sandwiches that contain simple carbohydrates can be satiated in an instant or focus for a while. But not long after, you will feel weak.

Also, the habit of breakfast fried, vegetables, chicken porridge or anything else that uses simple carbohydrates will cause too much sugar in the blood. These conditions will reduce blood flow and oxygen intake to the brain for thought processes and remain focused. 

3. Smoothie or Juice Packaging

Smoothie or bottled juice can now be easily obtained at self-service. Although it contains fruit and/or vegetable, most of its contents are actually composed of sugar and corn syrups with high fructose.

Eating this drink to start your day can lead to weight gain and high blood pressure. Better, make your own smoothie at home so you can make sure that the ingredients used are indeed fresh fruits and vegetables genuine and low in sugar.

4. Coffee with additional sweetener

For people feeling less hungry in the morning, a cup of coffee is often regarded as breakfast. Also, many people love to add sugar to reduce the natural flavors of bitter coffee, milk, even add something less ordinary like cream cheese. This will add a large number of carbohydrates or sugar to the coffee. 

The caffeine content in coffee can give you an energy-beat that keeps you awake and passionate, but it won't last long. Precisely after caffeine is absorbed perfectly, the body will feel limber and regain drowsiness.

If you do not want to be weak after breakfast, stay away from the food and drinks mentioned above. Breakfast will be much more beneficial when foods and beverages are consumed high in fiber, proteins, and other vitamin substances.

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