Simple ways to prevent breast cancer

Protect yourself from the dangers of breast cancer. Prevent by applying this way right now.

Breast cancer is defined as abnormal cell growth in the breast organs. This condition can cause the main symptoms of the appearance of a breast lump.

Simple ways to prevent breast cancer | GOLELY

Also, there are other symptoms associated with the occurrence of breast cancer, namely:

  • Changes in breast size, shape, or appearance
  • Pain or breast injury
  • Retraction or nipples of breasts are attracted into
  • The presence of fluid coming out of the nipple without a clear cause
  • Occurs skin exfoliation around breast nipples
  • There are a reddish or enlarged breast skin pores, which can resemble the orange peel
  • Enlarged lymph nodes, such as the armpit.
To date, the exact cause of breast cancer is still a mystery. Nevertheless, researchers suspect that the incidence of the disease relates to genetically derived gene mutations.

That is, women who have mothers, grandmothers, siblings, or aunt breast cancer survivors are more risky to have two to three times to experience the terrible disease.

In addition to genetic conditions, researchers also suspect that the occurrence of breast cancer is closely related to the following factors:

  • Age. Women over 50 years of age are more risky to experience breast cancer
  • History of previous breast cancer. If you have experienced cancer in one of the breasts, then the risk of having cancer on the other side will increase
  • Obesity. Being overweight is not only related to metabolic problems but also increases the risk of cancer.
  • Menstruation at a young age. Women with menstrual histories before the age of 12 are suspected to be riskier to experience the cancer of the past.
  • Menopause at an older age. Starting menopause at an older age is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer.
  • Environmental factors. Exposure to radiation rays is continuous and has never been pregnant even though enough age is associated with a high risk of breast cancer.
  • Drug use of hormonal prosecution. Although still uncertain, the use of drugs in the hormonal pregnancy is considered to increase the risk of breast cancer. Therefore, the use of hormonal pills should be discussed with a specialist doctor.
Do you have one or more risk factors related to breast cancer? It is important to do breast cancer prevention from now on.

Efforts can be done, among others:

  • Keep your body weight ideal with a healthy diet and exercise routine
  • Eat fruit and vegetables that are a source of antioxidants
  • Avoid cigarettes and alcohol
  • After giving birth, give breast milk regularly to infants
  • Discuss any type of hormonal medication with a specialist
  • Avoid or minimize radiation exposure of any kind
  • Routinely perform breast check yourself
  • Perform mammography checks periodically. This type of examination is recommended for women aged 40 – 74 years old.
What about the lifting of breast tissue, as did Angelina Jolie? This is relatively extreme, but it can be a good solution to be done by women born in the middle of a family with a history of breast cancer.

Caring for the condition of the breasts can help women to recognize the presence of suspicious signs of breast cancer. If you find any lumps or changes that do not make sense, immediately check with your doctor to confirm the diagnosis.

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