Symptoms of lung cancer Stadium

Talking about the symptoms of lung cancer, it is important to be able to recognize the symptom by the stage of the disease. This is a full review.

Globocan Data 2018 mentions lung cancer is a type of cancer with the highest incidence rate in Indonesia in men, namely 19.4 per 100 thousand inhabitants, with an average depth of 10.9 per 100 thousand inhabitants. Therefore, you should be able to recognize the symptoms according to the stadium, to know the next treatment step.

Lung cancer is a type of cancer that begins and stems from the malignant cell growth in the lungs. Not only from active smoking habits and exposure, but several other factors contribute to the cause of lung cancer.

Symptoms of lung cancer Stadium | GOLELY

Two types of lung cancer occur most, which are classified by cell size in cancer, namely:

1. Small cell lung cancer: cancer cells in this type of cancer appear small under the microscope. This type of lung cancer can grow and develop rapidly.
2. Non-small cell lung cancer: These types of cancer cells look larger than small cell lung cancer. This type of cancer does not develop as fast as small cell lung cancer.

Diagnosis stage of lung cancer

To determine how severe lung cancer is experienced, the doctor will diagnose the symptoms in the patient and associate it with the existing cancer stage division.

Stage lung cancer can provide information to you regarding the location, size, and spread of cancer cells. The higher the stage level, a lot of serious the cancer condition.

The most common classification system used by most physicians is the calcification of the TNM stage. Cancer is classified by three factors, namely:

> T: Indicates the size of the tumor and how far the tumor spreads.
> N: Shows the involvement of tumors to the lymph nodes.
> M: Indicates metastatic or spread of tumors to other organs of the body.

Symptoms of lung cancer based on the stadium

For more details, here is a new cancer symptom based on its stadium that you can know.

Stadium 1A

Cancer is found in the deepest layers of the lungs and is found in deeper lung tissues. The Tumor is not more than 3 cm and has not attacked the bronchi (branch of the throat stem located after the throat) or lymph nodes.

Symptoms that arise in patients include a cough that does not heal and cough with bleeding.

Stadium 1B

Cancer has grown larger and deeper on the lung tissue. The Tumor has evolved to the pleural (the membrane separating the lungs with the inner chest wall) with a diameter greater than 3 cm, or has spread to the main bronchial part but has not attacked the lymph nodes. 

Treatment of lung cancer stage 1A/1B can be performed through surgery and chemotherapy. Symptoms that arise in patients include a cough that does not heal, cough with bleeding, and shortness of breath.

Stadium 2A

Tumors with a diameter of less than 3 cm have spread to the lymph nodes that are on the same side as the tumor area. 

Symptoms that arise in patients include a cough that does not heal, cough with bleeding, shortness of breath and can be repeated infections such as pneumonia or bronchitis.

Stadium 2B

Tumors have not spread to the lymph nodes, but have attacked the chest wall, the main bronchi, the pleural, diaphragm, or heart tissue. Symptoms that arise in patients include a cough that is not cured, cough with bleeding, shortness of breath, chest pain, hoarseness, and there are recurrent infections such as pneumonia or bronchitis.

Stadium 3A

In this phase, tumors are found in the lungs as well as in the lymph nodes in the central chest area. Symptoms that arise in patients include a cough that does not heal, cough with bleeding, shortness of breath, chest pain, hoarsens, pain in the back, and there are recurrent infections such as pneumonia or bronchitis. 

When the cancer cells have spread to other areas, there will be complaints such as non-cured cough, bloody cough, shortness of breath, a hoarseness sound, as well as chest, shoulder, and back pain.

Stadium 3B

Tumor size may vary. Lung cancer has attacked the lymph nodes and spreads to both the lungs, neck, heart, large blood vessels or esophagus so that it cannot be removed through surgery. 

Common symptoms include persistent cough, bloody cough, breathlessness, hoarseness noise, chest pain, shoulder pain, and back pain.

Stadium 4

This is the final stage of lung cancer, which is characterized by cancer that has spread to other parts of the body.

Frequent symptoms include cough not cured – cured, bloody cough, breathlessness, hoarseness sound, chest pain, shoulder pain, back pain, changes in the nervous system such as seizures, impaired balance, skin and yellow eyes, until the Adaya lump in Skin surface because the cancer cells have spread to the skin organs.

That's her symptoms of lung cancer according to her stage. Simply put, if you have a cough that is not cured and cough is bloody, let alone risk factors such as smoking and exposure to the smoke, exposure to radon gas, exposure to asbestos and other carcinogens, and the presence of a history of lung cancer in the family, Immediately consult a physician.

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