Facts behind the myth of Salak cause digestive disorders

Some myths mention that Salak can cause indigestion. But, what exactly is the fact? Learn through this article.

Indigestion is one of the most common diseases, both in children and adults. The reasons are also varied, ranging from unhealthy food consumption and viral infections. However, there is one myth that is often blamed for digestive problems, namely the consumption of Salak.

Facts behind the myth of Salak cause digestive disorders | GOLELY

Just a myth

Unfortunately, quite a lot of people who believe the myth about eating salak and making it so hesitate to eat fruit that has another name of this snake fruit. In fact, myths about salak and hard bowel movements can never be proved correct.

According to the medical view, Salak is precisely very safe to consume and does not cause digestive problems, as long as consumed in the right amount and still in good condition or not foul.

Actually, Salak is a good fruit to smooth digestion. Because the meat of fruit and leather of Salak high will contain fiber and tannins.

Facts about Salak

Salak fruit contains several nutrients such as calcium, tannins, saponins, flavonoids, and beta carotene. Therefore, Salak is believed to have several health benefits, one of which to solve problems of indigestion.

The soil content can serve as anti-diarrhea medication. Also, tannins can cope with other digestive disorders. You are advised to consume Salak fruit along with the skin of the smooth (epidermis) to prevent constipation.

However, it does not only address indigestion problems. Salak also has several other benefits for health.

Ranging from strengthening muscles and joints, regulating blood viscosity, maintaining bone density and strength, as well as enhancing nerve function throughout the body. Because, Salak also contains important minerals, such as iron and calcium.

Also, Salak can be a natural source of vitamin C for the body. You need vitamin C intake from food and drink because the body can not produce it yourself.

The function of vitamin C itself is to repair damaged body tissues.

Vitamin C is also important to triggering the production of collagen, which serves to keep the skin supple and soft and to keep your muscles supple and not stiff while carrying out daily activities.

In fact, according to some studies, Salak is also rich in antioxidant content, which can play a role to prevent cardiovascular, cancer, and autoimmune diseases.

List of foods that trigger indigestion

To maintain the digestive tract health, you should always pay attention to what is consumed. But, Salak is not the one you should avoid. The list of foods you should avoid, namely:

1. Spicy Food

Food that has a spicy flavor is already very close to the tongue of Indonesia. But unfortunately, spicy foods can be a major trigger to indigestion.

Food with an image of spicy flavor can make a complaint of abdominal pain so the worse because it can cause irritation to the stomach lining.

2. Sour Food

Foods that have a sour flavor, such as lemon, lime, young mango, and so on, can also cause indigestion. Because foods with high acids can irritate the stomach and trigger an increase in gastric acid.

Therefore, you should avoid acidic foods and beverages if you are experiencing indigestion.

3. Foods that contain fat

Fatty food such as junk food and fried foods are very delicious to eat.

But unfortunately, the fats contained in these two foods can stimulate the contraction of your digestive tract. As a result, gastric discharge becomes slower and you will find it difficult to defecate.

Snacks such as potato chips or in-pack snacks are also rich in preservatives and salts. Eating this meal in excess amount can also make your stomach uncomfortable and feels good.

4. Milk and other processed products

If you are diagnosed with lactose intolerance, consuming dairy products and other processed products can also cause symptoms of bloating, diarrhea, and stomach.

Therefore, for those of you who have lactose intolerance, it is recommended to avoid dairy products and switch to soy milk or almond milk.

Well, after knowing the fact about the benefits of Salak fruit above, do you still believe in the myth of Salak fruit caused digestive disorders? In addition to consuming Salak, to keep your body healthy and spared from a variety of diseases, enrich your intake of nutrients with other fruits and exercise regularly.

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