Benefits of Salak fruit for health, already know?

By the way about Salak, it turns out that there are many benefits to the health behind her brown skin and scaly it. Curious?

Benefits of Salak fruit for health, already know? | GOLELY

Benefits of Salak fruit for health

To enjoy the fruit, you need to open the skin from the top position aka the bud. Then, just tear and you can eat the flesh immediately.

Opening the skin of the fruit with the Latin name Salacca Zalacca is quite practical, right? And more fun is the goodness that is hidden in it.

Salak contains calcium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, and carbohydrates. The content makes Salak rich in various health benefits, such as:

1. Supporting Eye health

This is because Salak contains vitamin A is quite high. As known, eye health should be supported by good vitamin A intake. Also, Salak has beta-carotene, content that is also needed by the eye.

2. Keep the body endurance good

Good body defense is the key so you can do your activities well. Your body's defenses can be in good condition if you get adequate vitamin B intake. Meanwhile, Salak is one of the fruits that are abundant with this type of vitamins.

3. Increase Stamina

Salak has carbohydrate content, or in other words, has sugar content. But, the type of sugar in Salak is a good type of sugar. Carbohydrates in Salak can increase stamina and energy. It's like sweet food in general.

4. Cardiovascular Health

Salak is known to contain no cholesterol, but it contains potassium. It also will affect your cardiovascular health. Also, Salak has antioxidant content that can maintain the health of blood vessels.

5. Prevent the body from chronic diseases

The antioxidants that Salak has can also prevent you from a variety of chronic diseases, not just the heart. Therefore, antioxidants can inhibit the occurrence of inflammation in the body. Thus, Salak can keep you from diabetes and stroke because it can prevent the buildup of inflammation cells.

6. Maintain pancreatic health

In the Salak, there is content that can regenerate pancreatic cells. As known, a healthy pancreas is needed by diabetics. Because diabetics can not produce normal insulin due to decreased function of pancreatic cells.

That is a row of benefits of eating Salak fruit for health you need to know. Interested in trying it? You also do not have to worry about opening the skin, because, although scaly like a snake, actually the fruit is still quite easy to consume.

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