Effective turmeric powder removes underarm feathers naturally?

Wondering how to get rid of underarm feathers naturally? Try the potent turmeric powder overcoming the armpit problem. How?

Not a few women want to get rid of armpit feathers. How not? Armpit hair can interfere with appearance, especially when wearing sleeveless shirts. If you usually shave or pluck it, now try removing the armpit hairs using turmeric powder. How? 

Shaving the underarm fur is easy. However, this method is not entirely effective. The underarm feathers will grow back in a few days to weeks.

Effective turmeric powder removes underarm feathers naturally? | GOLELY

Then, what about plucking? This action effectively removes the armpit hair and prevents its growth for a while. However, removing the armpit hair may pose a risk of infection or irritation.

Despite the risks, they are quite safe and effective to do routinely. If you want to try the technique of removing new armpit hairs, turmeric powder may be alternatives.

Ingredients in turmeric powder

Turmeric powder has anti-inflammatory and also anti-bacterial content that is effectively used to remove the armpit fur. 

Both contents can maintain the cleanliness and softness of the skin of the armpit and also prevent irritation due to the underarm hair that is lifted.

Then, how do I use it? You can mix some spoon of turmeric powder with a glass of warm milk and mix well. Apply the two ingredients in the armpit area (like a scrubbing process) and wait about 30 minutes. Then, rinse using warm water or lukewarm water and dry it.

Nevertheless, until now it is not certain that turmeric powder can be completely squeezed down the armpit fur. If the underarm feather does not fall too, then this method you can use as after treatment after shaving or remove the armpit fur.

Previously, turmeric powder could help to hydrate and soften, and prevent irritation when shaving or removing armpit hairs.

Also, turmeric powder serves to delay the growth of underarm hair, so that your armpit fur is not fast-growing. You'll be freer to use a bumper sleeve at any time, without having to bother shaving the armpit fur. 

In addition to using turmeric powder, you can also use other kitchen ingredients, such as honey and lemon. Both of these materials will work to dilate the growth of armpit fur without pain.

You can mix the lemon juice and two spoons of honey. Then, apply in the armpit area and let stand for 15 to 20 minutes. After that, rinse and dry.

Although it is a natural ingredient, still there is a risk that can be caused. Risk of allergies and irritation may arise in sensitive women's skin. It is not unlikely that turmeric powder can cause a red rash that is itching and sore in the skin.

For that, you should consult a doctor before doing any method of removing armpit hair with natural ingredients, such as the use of turmeric powder.

Try Intense Pulsed Light therapy.

Besides using the method of shaving, plucking, and turmeric powder, is there any other way to remove the underarm Buu? The use of Intense Pulsed Light therapy or using a low-intensity laser beam can eliminate underarm feathers.

Intense Pulsed Light is the treatment of removing armpit fur with low-intensity laser beams. It's just that this way has drawbacks. Underarm feathers cannot be lost instantaneously. You have to do Intense Pulsed Light treatment repeatedly for maximum results. Although it takes a long time, it is relatively safe.

Intense Pulsed Light cannot be done in one-time treatment. This is because the beginning of the treatment only turns off the hair that is grown alone. So, the fur that is still babies can not be stopped the growth and have to wait for adults first can be eliminated.

In addition to removing the armpit fur, Intense Pulsed Light can also remove or reduce spots in the body, sun damage, birthmarks, and blood vessels rupture on your face. Light from Intense Pulsed Light is more dispersed than a laser. The reason, Intense Pulsed Light can penetrate down the second layer of skin (dermis) without damaging the upper layer (epidermis). It reduces damage to your skin.

Before starting Intense Pulsed Light Therapy, a specialist doctor will usually clean the area you want to treat. Then they apply a cold gel to your skin. Then, they apply the light from the Intense Pulsed Light tool to the skin. During treatment, you should wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from Intense Pulsed Light rays.

Well, you're interested in what? Keep shaving and revoking by using tweezers, using natural ingredients like turmeric powder, or trying the Intense Pulsed Light method? To avoid the risk of irritation and other skin problems due to the removal of armpit hair, you can consult a doctor first.

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