Benefits of Herbal Teas for health you should try

Do you enjoy drinking tea? If yes, let's know the benefits of herbal teas for your health here.

Tea is one of the favorite drinks that many people easily get. Not only delicious on the tongue but trusted tea also has a lot of good for the body. What about herbal teas? It turns out that there are benefits of herbal teas that you can also enjoy.

Tea beverages are obtained by brewing tea plants (Camellia sinensis) which is a native plant of the country of China. Known since the Shang Dynasty era, the tea was originally used as a medicinal drink.

Benefits of Herbal Teas for health you should try | GOLELY

The story of Herbal tea

Before knowing the benefits further, it is good to know interesting facts about tea. The reason, as time goes by, tea is more popular as a recreational beverage which is then brought by the Portuguese to Europe.

In addition to the tea, leaves and flowers from other plants can also be boiled and drunk. This drink is known as herbal tea or tisane, which is a stew that is obtained from plants other than tea.

Herbal teas can be obtained from fruit, leaves, flowers, or roots – such as chamomile, rosehip, rooibos, Hibiscus, peppermint, ginger, and others. The first recorded herbal tea was used by a physician from ancient Greece named Dioscorides in the first century.

However long before that, experts found peppermint leaves in the Egyptian pyramids, which were thought to have been used to address digestive problems since 1000 years before A.D.

Benefits of Herbal Tea

Just like in general tea, herbal teas can also be served hot or cold. Unlike a tea that contains caffeine – but the lower the rate of coffee, the herbal tea does not contain caffeine so it is safer for those of you who are sensitive to caffeine.

In addition to its fragrant scent and varied taste, herbal teas are also known to have a variety of benefits for both physical and mental health. What are the benefits?

  • Soothing

Herbal teas made from chamomile flowers and lavender are known to have the ability to calm the mind, so it can help those who have difficulties to sleep or insomnia.

Studies of 80 women experiencing insomnia found that the consumption of chamomile tea for two consecutive weeks succeeded in reducing symptoms of insomnia and depression.

Besides functioning as an antidote to insomnia, chamomile also turns out to have the ability as antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.

Studies have found that chamomile can also reduce the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and improve control of blood sugar in diabetics Mellitus.

  • Durability

Research finds that Echinacea plants can increase endurance, especially to counter the various viruses that are often attacked. For example the common cold causes virus (flu and cough).

Now even echinacea extracts have been packaged by various pharmaceutical factories and sold in capsule form as a supplement to help increase endurance.

  • Antioxidant

Hibiscus flowers and Rosehip are known to possess high Vitamin C content. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that can help the body combat free radicals that can damage cells, tissues, and cause disease.

  • Digestive

Peppermint Leaf has been known since thousands of years ago can be beneficial for maintaining digestive health, namely to relieve bloating symptoms, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain.

Also, research today has found that peppermint is also beneficial as an antioxidant, anti-cancer, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral.

In addition to peppermint, Ginger has also been shown to have the efficacy to relieve vomiting nausea and safe to be consumed by pregnant women. Therefore, it is not surprising if the doctor's obstetrics and gynecologist recommend pregnant women who have nausea vomiting during the young pregnant to eat ginger.

Also, Ginger has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and can boost the immune system. Ginger is also known to relieve abdominal pain due to menstruation.

Wow, it turns out many also ya benefits of herbal tea for health. How, are you interested in trying?

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