4 exercise to lower blood pressure

There are many ways to lower blood pressure, including exercise. Well, what are the sports to lower blood pressure?

Although it is not curable, high blood pressure or hypertension can be controlled by symptoms. In addition to maintaining a healthy diet, you should also exercise routine to lower blood pressure.

Patients with hypertension who exercise regularly and regularly have a lower average blood pressure than those who do not.

4 exercise to lower blood pressure | GOLELY

Special exercise for hypertension sufferers does not exist. However, anaerobic type exercise routine and regularly able to lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure up to 10 digits.

However, patients with hypertension are encouraged to remain vigilant during exercise because these activities make the heart work harder. When done carelessly, unwanted things can happen. What's more, if you are a hypertensive sufferer with systolic and diastolic blood pressure above 160/100 mmHg.

Lowering blood pressure with exercise

You have pressure above normal and want to lower it with exercise? Here are some types of sports that are good for you.

1. Swim

Do aerobic exercise well for your blood pressure. Swimming is a gentle way to do it. Do it for 30 minutes, or try to meet that amount if you are now only able to swim under half an hour.

2. Morning Walk

Build up a bit early in the morning and do some street sports. This light exercise is potent for hypertension sufferers.

By doing regular morning exercise, your heart will become stronger, so you can pump your blood more easily. Pressure on the veins can also fall.

3. Strength Training

Strength training should be part of a daily routine. You can use loads, heavy equipment, sports equipment, or your weight. Strength training makes you lose body fat, increase muscle mass, and increase your metabolic rate.

A loss of 4.5 kg may decrease or help prevent high blood pressure if you are overweight.

4. Yoga

Yoga has long been believed to have many benefits. This sport has a low intensity and is suitable for those of you who do not want to exercise with heavy intensity. Gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts as you become more fit, to help the decline in blood pressure.

Tips for the sport to be comfortable

Unfortunately, all this is not easy to do because the challenges are many. However, there are some tips that you can do to be consistent exercising, namely:

  • Find the sport you like

Find the sport you're passionate about, and make sure you do it 30 minutes a day. If you do not like sports in the gym, no problem. You can do yoga, gardening, or whatever makes your heart beat faster.

  • Do it gradually

While exercising, start gently to prevent injury. You can start 10 to 15 minutes of sports that interest you. Like walking around the complex or on a treadmill. Gradually it can make your workouts longer and more challenging.

  • Choose a light-moderate intensity workout

Patients with hypertension to avoid high-intensity competitive sports. Aerobic exercise with mild intensity, such as walking, is enough to lower your blood pressure.

Avoid contact sports such as boxing, flag football, rugby and the like. It aims to reduce your risk of being impacted by collisions, which can cause harm to yourself.

  • The importance of heating and cooling

Warming before exercising and cooling afterward is important for people with high blood pressure. These exercises make your heart rate rise and return to normal gradually. Walking on the spot or the treadmill for 10 minutes can be done for heating or cooling.

Do you want to exercise to lower blood pressure? Try the four sports above. Do the types of sports that you prefer to make it easier to do regularly and consistently. You can also discuss with a doctor before deciding to undergo one or more types of exercise.

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