Dangerous, it impacts if you ignore the Mag disease!

You should not underestimate heartburn. Some of this can happen as an impact if it ignores stomach ulcers!

Mag disease can probably be categorized as a million disease people. However, these diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are often considered to be eye-catching as complaints can arise and disappear instantly. Ignoring the mag disease can make it increasingly severe that leads to complications of health disorders. It can even threaten life safety.

In the medical world, Mag is known as gastritis or inflammation of the stomach. This inflammation is due to excessive gastric acid production. Mag disease will cause pain symptoms in the area of the heart or upper left stomach, nausea, bloating and vomiting.

Dangerous, it impacts if you ignore the Mag disease! | GOLELY

If these symptoms arise and the sufferer does not provide proper treatment, peptic ulcer or mag may occur. A peptic ulcer is the occurrence of wounds in the inner lining of the stomach. Symptoms caused by gastric ulcers, such as blunt pain in the stomach, decreased appetite drastically resulting in unhealthy weight loss and nausea and vomiting.

Not only that, but peptic ulcers can also trigger the feeling of a bit even though only eating a little, often Belching, stomach acid easily rises to the throat and feel burned in the chest. In more severe cases, peptic ulcers can cause the sufferer to remove dark feces such as asphalt and vomiting accompanied by blood, which can gradually trigger the occurrence of anemia or lack of blood.

When symptoms of peptic ulcers have emerged and the treatment is still reluctant to take medication to the doctor, the health problems that will occur later is the perforation of the Gaster. This is a perforated stomach condition so that the contents spill into the abdominal cavity. This doesn't want to be experienced by you.

The main symptom of gastric perforation is severe and sudden pain in the upper abdomen (heart), the face becomes pale cold sweat, fever, and vomiting. If this condition occurs more than 12 hours, the symptoms will be more severe, thus triggering the emergence of inflammation in the abdominal cavity (peritonitis) and a great infection due to the toxic spill from the stomach (sepsis).

The worst thing that could happen after such a row of events is death. Although it looks trivial, mag can make the sufferer experience various complications that lead to the loss of life. On this basis, you should not consider the mag disease as a trivial condition.

If you have a mag problem, you should take medication to the doctor for the most appropriate treatment.

Not enough with it, you also need to change the lifestyle to be healthier. Do not be late to eat or try regular meals, eat a little-little but often, avoid consumption of spicy foods, acids, alcohol, cigarettes, and caffeine. Don't forget to exercise regularly, take enough rest, as well as manage stress well to keep mag symptoms from relapse and cause interference.

It's time, you realize that ignoring the mag disease is not what it should do. This disease does have symptoms that can arise and disappear on its own. However, if not controlled carefully, the symptoms that have been seemingly trivial instead of trigger complications that can even threaten the safety of life. Beware and do not hesitate to consult a doctor if you find any obstacles related to controlling mag disease.

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