How powerful does garlic solve the Flu?

Although it has a strong smell, garlic is claimed to overcome the flu. Many are using it as first aid. What is the medical fact?

Current uncertain weather can threaten your body's fitness. Flu-like diseases are one of them. But do not be worried. The reason, garlic is mentioned can be a way of overcoming the flu naturally.

How powerful does garlic solve the Flu? | GOLELY

Flu or influenza is an inflammatory reaction of the respiratory tract caused by viral infections. Symptoms that are usually experienced by flu are:
  • Shortness of breath with or without nasal obstruction
  • Sneezing
  • Itchy throat
  • Runny nose
  • Cough
  • Hoarsely
  • Limp
  • Headaches
  • Fever (usually mild)
  • Watery eyes

The above symptoms will usually subside within 4-10 days. Nevertheless, coughs with or without phlegm can last until the second week. Well, to cope with this condition, is it potent to use garlic?

Does garlic solve flu right?

Garlic or Allium sativum does have benefits for those of you who are experiencing flu.

Garlic contains several vitamins that can boost the immune system. It is capable of becoming a natural remedy for the flu. Even in some studies, garlic can reduce the number of flu cases to more than 50 percent.

Garlic contains high antioxidants that can support the body's protective mechanisms against oxidative damage in the body caused by viruses. Therefore, all kinds of viruses, such as flu-causing viruses and coughs, can be solved by consuming garlic.

In addition to antioxidant content, vitamin C content in garlic can also improve the human immune system. Vitamin C will play a role to kill the viruses, germs, and fungi that cause the disease. 

When the body is sick, the immune system will also weaken. You also need several foods that can boost the immune system, both from fruit, vegetables, including garlic. 

To get the benefits, garlic can be chewed raw, cooked, burned, or mixed with certain foods. It is easy and inexpensive to get a natural flu remedy.

However, this pungent tuber is consumed in a heated way (whether it is burned or cooked) with the condition already cut off first. This is because the allicin compounds in garlic that act as antioxidants will only be active if the foodstuffs are heated.

Garlic content and its benefits

The content of allicin not only plays an important role in overcoming the flu, but this content also serves to remove toxins from the body.

Allicin itself is a powerful antioxidant that is beneficial to fight free radicals that can damage the body's organs, one of which is the liver. Also, allicin in garlic has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties that can eradicate cancer cells in the liver organs.

Another ingredient in garlic, selenium, can increase antioxidant activity. Garlic also contains arginine to make blood vessels relax and keep blood pressure on the liver. 

Vitamin B6 and C in garlic are also good for liver health. Vitamin B6 can fight inflammation in the liver organs. Vitamin C is also an antioxidant that fights against damage to liver cells.

Also, garlic can lower the body's bad cholesterol levels. For those who have high cholesterol levels, garlic supplements can reduce the total LDL cholesterol levels by about 10 to 15 percent. Garlic seems to be efficacious to lower LDL but it does not hurt good cholesterol (HDL).

Not only does it stop there, but garlic is also proven to increase estrogen levels associated with female bone strength. In other words, garlic can maintain bone health in women who are menopause.

So, garlic is very potent to overcome the flu, while maintaining overall body health. You can use it as a natural treatment that is easy, inexpensive, and relatively minimal side effects. You should also keep in mind, do not consume excessively! Too much eating under the white can cause the smell of mouth is not tasty. This will disturb the people around you.

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