Enjoy the various benefits of acupuncture for health

Don't let your worries be a needle blocking you to enjoy the various benefits of acupuncture for health!

Who to this day still have not tried acupuncture therapy? Don't let your worries be a needle blocking you to enjoy the various health benefits of acupuncture that has been widely proven.

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine that has existed since long ago. This treatment is done by turning the needle into the special points on the surface of the body, to cure the diseases that exist in the body.
Enjoy the various benefits of acupuncture for health | GOLELY

Generally, acupuncture needles are inserted into the neck, face, head, back, abdomen, or other parts of the body according to the patient's complaint. The needle that is crushed will help to smooth the blood flow and restore energy balance in the body.

Various benefits of Acupuncture

Several acupuncture benefits are widely known and have been proven through research. Among others:

1. Good for skin health

Acupuncture treatment in healthy people can smooth blood flow to the skin and muscles. When the blood flows smoothly, the skin will get adequate nutrients and oxygen.

Because of adequate nutrition and oxygen, acupuncture treatment has been proven to maintain the skins properly. Acupuncture can trigger collagen formation, which is essential for keeping skin toned. Also, muscle skin will be more relaxed, so it can prevent and disguise the fine lines and wrinkles on the face.

One more, acupuncture can also help balance the hormones in the body. Thus, hormonal disorders such as acne, especially during the period of menstruation, can be handled.

2. Lose weight

Acupuncture treatment can help shrink the waist circumference.

There is a study published in a Chinese medical journal in the year 2018, stating that acupuncture can help lose the weight of diabetics. It works also by lowering insulin resistance and leptin (hungry hormones) in their bodies.

Insulin and leptin are hormones that play a role in controlling a person's appetite. Acupuncture therapy is usually done at certain points in the body, including for weight loss that is usually done at the point in the ear area.

3. Relieve Stress

Acupuncture can help the release of endorphin or hormone happy hormones, so it can provide a calming effect. Therefore, for someone who is stressed eating or making food as an escape in times of stress, you can try this one technique.

4. Maintain sleep quality

Because of its effect on decreased stress, the quality of a person's sleep can be affected. In patients with insomnia, acupuncture is also one of the types of supportive treatment that is often recommended.

5. Overcoming Headache Complaints

The science of acupuncture divides the body into several parts and zones that have special points. Acupuncture needles will be thrust to the point according to therapeutic purposes. These points are usually near the nerves in the body.

The needle will then stimulate the nerve to release certain hormones, such as endorphins, which will be responded by the body.

In the use of acupuncture for headache therapy, the immune system and blood are usually the systems that are intended to be repaired and maximized.

Do it safely and recognize possible side effects

According to The National Institute of Health acupuncture is safe when done by experienced trained personnel using sterile needles.

Acupuncture needles should be ensured sterile and should only be used for disposable use. The use of a needle that is not sterile and repeated use has the potential to cause many health problems at a later date. Also, the risk of infection of infectious diseases is high, ranging from mild to severe such as hepatitis B and HIV.

Although it is quite safe, acupuncture can cause side effects in some individuals such as bruising, weakness, and body feeling sore especially after the first therapy.

The five points above are only a handful of the benefits of acupuncture therapy for health. If you want to try it, make sure acupuncture is done by professional experts and done in a certified place. If you are worried about having a certain medical condition, you should consult a doctor before attempting acupuncture.

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