Sharpen brain memory function by doing this

Memory functions in the brain need to be kept in the sharpen so that you are not exposed to a disease related to memory in the latter days. Here's how.

Everyone wants to have a good memory function. One of the goals is to avoid the occurrence of dementia or senile disease at a later date. What about you? Is your brain memory function really primed?
Sharpen brain memory function by doing this | GOLELY

If not, you should begin to remember the things that pertain to everyday life.

For example, try to remember and mention the name of the person you just identified several times.

Not enough with it, you can also apply the below things to hone the memory function of the brain:
  •  Set Routine
Having routines in conducting an activity or placing objects in the same place can help increase efficiency in living everyday life.

Routines help achieve efficiency, so you don't have to force the brain to remember things that are commonly done. Efficiency in daily activities will make you more focused on other more meaningful things in life.
  • Say aloud
When you have to place objects in places that aren't usually, say what you do them aloud.

Also, when you meet someone new, say their name a few times with a rather loud voice. This is part of a memory exercise that proves to keep your brain sharp. 

According to research, you can increase focus by letting your ears ' listen ' the necessary information. This will increase your chances of remembering them later in life.
  • Avoid multitasking
When the attention is divided to do many activities at a time (multitasking), it is not unlikely you will be more difficult to remember something related to the activity.

In case of continuity, it can weaken the memory function in your brain.
  • Meditation
One way to improve memory function in the brain is to meditate. The first step to improving brain function is to provide peace to the brain.

Research finds that meditation can help you avoid disturbing thoughts, anxiety, and stress. In the end, it can all improve focus. Another study showed that students who were meditating for 10 minutes a day were better in the exam.
  • Enjoy Nature
This simple activity can increase memory by up to 20 percent. Similar to meditating, walking in nature can calm the mind and increase the sense of focus.

A study reveals that participants who stroll in nature can perform tasks related to memory function better than those running in urban environments. 
  • Enough sleep
Research shows, people who sleep seven hours a day have a better memory than those who sleep less than five hours or more than nine hours per day.

This is a great time for the brain to do the process of integrating new skills or information into long-term memory. 
  • Break
Not just a night's sleep, research proves that a short nap can also improve memory function in the human brain.  

A study was conducted, where one group of participants was asked for a nap and a second group was asked to see video views.

 "The group that does a short nap has a five-fold increase in associative memory," says the creator of method Sleep Easily, Richard Shane, Ph.D.
  • Exercise every day
Physical and mental are two things interconnected. In addition to making the body healthy, exercise can also make the brain can function optimally.

Exercise can improve blood circulation, so the brain gets an adequate supply of nutrients and oxygen. This makes the brain can function properly.

So, have you honed brain memory functions today? If not, do it immediately and regularly so that the benefits can be felt immediately. If you have a ' congenital ' health condition that becomes a barrier to implementing the above, consult a doctor. Keeping the memory function of the brain since this time makes you avoid dementia in the latter days!

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