A myriad of coriander benefits for body health

Not only make food so delicious but mixing coriander into the cuisine also gives benefits to the health of the body. This is proof!

There are a lot of dishes that use coriander as one of the spices. More than a taste enhancer, consumption can also bring many benefits to the health of the body.

Coriander is one of the most popular herbs in this area. Not only the seeds, but the leaves are also added to the cuisine.
A myriad of coriander benefits for body health | GOLELY

Healthy benefits of eating coriander

It doesn't need to be wide anymore, here are the benefits of coriander to support health.

1. Maintain the health of the gastrointestinal tract

Coriander contains several nutrients, including proteins, fats, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus. The combination of such nutrients makes the coriander can help maintain and improve the body's performance in terms of protecting the intestine from germs causing disease.

Since long ago, coriander has been believed to be able to help overcome digestive problems such as abdominal pain, nausea, constipation or constipation, and flatulence. Not only that, but this herb is also thought to be able to reduce abdominal pain due to syndrome and bowel Syndrome a.k.a. irritability bowel syndrome (IBS).

2. Lower the risk of cancer

Coriander has a compound substance that is touted to prevent the formation of heterocyclic amines (HCA) in the meat that is being cooked.

HCA is a substance that is formed when the meat is cooked in very high temperatures, such as baked or burned. Foods with high HCA content are linked to an increased risk of cancer.

3. Antinori and Antiinflammation

Several studies in rats found that coriander could give an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect on the research object.

Coriander extracts are thought to have an activity that affects the opioid system, so it can help to reduce pain.

4. Natural and antibacterial preservatives

Because it has a high antioxidant content, oil extracts from the coriander leaves can inhibit the oxidation process in foods. That is, food will not be fast stale.

Also, the dodecanal components in the seeds and coriander leaves are found to have an antibacterial effect on salmonella bacteria. In fact, such components can kill salmonella twice more efficiently than with gentamicin antibiotics.

5. Lowering blood sugar levels

Reported from Healthline, seeds, extracts, to coriander oil can help lower blood sugar levels. However, diabetic patients whose blood sugar levels are low or taking diabetic medications should be careful with this herb because of its effectiveness in lowering blood sugar.

According to a study on animals in the journal "Food Chemistry" in 1999, coriander seeds can lower blood sugar levels by increasing the activity of enzymes that help the excess blood sugar in the body.

There is also a study in the journal "Phytotherapy Research: PTR" In 2009 that mentions, the dosing of a certain coriander seed extract (20 mg per kg) lowers blood sugar and the increase of insulin release in rats with diabetes.

6. Preventing cell damage from free radicals

Coriander also offers some antioxidants that can prevent cell damage from free radicals. Antioxidants like Terpinene, Kuersetin, and tocopherols, are proven to fight inflammation in the body.

There is one study in the journal "Food Chemistry" in 2015 that found that antioxidants in coriander seed extract can lower inflammation and slow the growth of lung, prostate, breast, and colon cancer cells.

Although it is natural, beware of side effects

Coriander is included as a natural ingredient. Still, however, you are not encouraged to consume them excessively.

Cause, there is a possibility of side effects or allergic reactions to increased sensitivity to sunlight.

Not only that, other side effects that can also occur due to excessive consumption of coriander are severe diarrhea, abdominal pain, irregular menstrual cycles, and dehydration.

Adding coriander into the cuisine can be, even recommended considering the many benefits for the health of the body. But remember, consumption should not be excessive. Rather than adding many-many into the cuisine, it is better to combine it with other healthy foods so that the nutrients that go into the body are more complete.

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