Love to drink hot tea? Beware of esophageal cancer risk

Hot tea in the morning or the cold weather is much favored. But beware, the habit is said to increase the risk of esophageal cancer.

Tea is one of the most popular beverages in Indonesia, especially when drunk in the morning, at a relaxing time, sleep, or in cold weather. But beware, drinking hot tea is associated with an increased risk of esophageal cancer.

Love to drink hot tea? Beware of esophageal cancer risk | GOLELY

Introduction to Esophageal cancer

Esophageal is a conduit that connects the mouth and stomach. So after the food is chewed in the mouth, the food will pass through the esophagus, then get into the stomach. 

Esophageal cancer occurs if the cells lining the esophageal tract turn into malignant and uncontrollable breeding, thereby causing the bumps inside the esophagus to grow rapidly. 

The lump in the esophagus can not be seen from the outside. The commonly perceived symptom is difficulty swallowing. 

In the early stages, usually, patients with esophageal cancer have difficulty swallowing harsh foods. But gradually, the climate and liquid foods will be difficult to swallow. 

Also, as a result of rapid swallowing disorders and cancer cells, usually, the weight of the sufferer will decrease drastically and malnourished.

If esophageal cancer is known early, generally doctors will perform surgery to cut off the esophageal part of cancer and connect the healthy part. However, if a new esophageal cancer is discovered when the stage is advanced, radiation and chemotherapy are necessary.

Hot Tea and esophageal cancer

The findings of some studies from countries in the Middle East and Asia are quite surprising. It is revealed that people who drink tea with temperatures above 60 degrees Celsius as much as 2-3 glasses per day have a risk of two times higher to experience esophageal cancer, compared with those who drink tea 2-3 glasses per day with regular temperature or Cold.

Furthermore, it is found that hot tea is commonly drunk, the higher the risk. If anyone likes to drink hot tea with a temperature of 90 degrees Celsius or more, the risk of having esophageal cancer increased by 10 times.

Until now, researchers have not been able to explain exactly why hot tea can increase the risk of esophageal cancer. However, it is suspected that the heat temperature can damage the cells in the esophageal area so that the cells in the esophagus become malignant.

Also, although the studies examined the impact of hot tea on esophageal cancer, researchers revealed that it is not only hot tea that should be wary of. Any beverages drunk in the hot state should also be wary of, as they may have the same impact.

Researchers assess that repeated trauma to hot temperatures in its throat. Coupled with free radicals or oxidants from excessive cigarettes or alcohol that also damage the mucous membranes of the esophagus, cancer is the esophagus.

The recommended way of drinking tea

It does not mean that warm or hot tea is not to be consumed, because it benefits a lot of healthy. 

Tea contains caffeine which can help improve concentration and mood. Tea, especially green tea, contains antioxidant flavonoids that can help prevent the growth of cancer cells. 

Only, to avoid the risk of esophageal cancer, tea is recommended to be consumed at a temperature that is not too hot, which is less than 60 degrees Celsius. Also, avoid drinking tea with additional sugar. Such habits can make a person's high risk of diabetes mellitus.

Enjoying a cup of tea is delicious. However, so as not to increase the risk of esophageal cancer and you still get a healthy range of benefits, avoid drinking tea with a temperature that is too hot. If you want to consume warm drinks, make sure the temperature does not exceed 60 degrees Celsius.

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