Health symptoms that arise when the body is experiencing stress

When the mind is stressed, the physical condition can be affected. Let's know about health symptoms when the body is stressed.

Almost everyone may have been at least one-time experiencing stress in his life. For example, when discipline a child, workplace pressure, or when managing finances. Although stress is mild-mild, there is also stress that has a heavier impact on your physical condition. Therefore, beware of these health symptoms while you are stressed.

Quoted from WebMD, stress is the body's reaction to a situation that is assessed as dangerous and threatening someone. When feeling threatened, there is a chemical reaction in the body that allows you to react to prevent injury. 

Health symptoms that arise when the body is experiencing stress | GOLELY

This reaction is known as "fight-or-flight, " or also called a stress response. As long as the stress response occurs, the heart rate increases, muscles are tightened, and blood pressure rises. That is why, when the mind is experiencing stress, physical conditions can be affected, even showing certain health symptoms.

Beware of this health condition

So, what health conditions are your symptoms experiencing stress? Five health conditions are the symptoms you are experiencing stress. What are you? 

Excessive headaches

If you experience headaches suddenly and the intensity is getting worse, this can be a sign you're experiencing stress. This is because stress can release substances that can cause changes to nerves and blood vessels in the brain, which affect headaches. 

Headaches will also become worse if you experience migraine or vertigo complaints. Therefore, calm down or close your eyes for a moment if you experience headaches due to stress. 

Appears red spots on certain body areas 

The red Bentol is not caused by mosquito bites, but also because of the stress you are experiencing.  

If suddenly the skin ' decorated ' bumps and red spots are itchy, it could be a symptom of stress. When stressed, the immune system will decline. The body also gently releases histamine content to fight disease. If this stress is not lost, you can develop an allergic reaction to any condition that makes the body itching.

When the immune system is weakened by stress, she adds, your skin can also be irritated by things that have never been a problem before. Such as soap, cold or hot, lotion, or detergent.

More prone to digestive system disorders 

Stress can also slow the discharge of food from the stomach. This causes the stomach to be full of gas and bloating. Not infrequently, you can experience intestinal contractions that cause the stomach to feel cramps and also diarrhea. 

Hair loss

Losing some strands of hair is normal to occur every day. However, if the amount of hair that is falling exceeds the supposed limit, this could be one of the signs you are experiencing stress. 

Stress can significantly push a large number of hair follicles into the resting phase. A few months later, the hair had fallen out.

Face so breakouts 

The emergence of acne is not only caused by dirty skin, but also because of stress. When stressed, the body will pump more hormones like cortisol which causes the skin gland to produce more oil than usual.

This oil can later be trapped under the pores that are then lived and turned into dirt and dead skin cells. 

Weight loss or rise

Stress triggers the release of cortisol hormones that interfere with the body's ability to process blood sugar and alter the way the metabolism of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. It can ultimately lead to an increase or decrease in body weight. 

If you experience one or more of the above health symptoms, it could be that you are currently experiencing stress. Immediately do relaxation or time to cope with stress. You can take the time to do hobbies, like sports, reading books, drawing, or singing. Do not forget, also enough rest time every day. If stress persists, don't hesitate to consult a medical professional like a psychologist or psychiatrist.

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