Know your signs of stress because of work

Prolonged stress because the work and its environment can have a bad impact on the body. Before it's too late, no signs.

The pile of work pursued due to deadlines, or maybe a boss or co-worker that the bully can make the head will break and lead to stress. Stress due to continuous or unresolved work can have a serious impact on physical and psychic health.

The World Health Agency (WHO) acknowledges that workplace stress is classified as a disease. The WHO in the latest International Classification of Disease (ICD) defines burnout as a conceptualized syndrome as a result of chronic stress in a well-managed workplace.

Know your signs of stress because of work | GOLELY

What is stress because of work?

Reported from the WHO page, stress because the job is:

  • The response a person has when faced with the demands and pressures that do not conform to knowledge and ability, which challenges the worker's habit to overcome it.
  • Stress can occur in a variety of working conditions, but it is more often worsened when workers feel that it has little support from superiors and colleagues, as well as controls that are too limited to the work process.
  • There is often confusion between pressure or challenge and stress, and sometimes it is used to "tolerate" the practice of bad management of the company. 

For some people, stress may be a ' positive ' because occupational stress can spur his adrenal hormones to settle the work that accumulates at the moment. 

However, this is not a good thing to keep going. This is because work stress can interfere with a person's performance, causing productivity and creativity to decline. 

Recognizing stress symptoms due to early work is important to prevent worsening, for example up to depression.

Your sign of stress due to work

Take a moment to check if you feel the signs below. When much is appropriate, it is the sign you are experiencing stress because of work.

  • Physical, psychic, and behavioral changes 

Physical signs and symptoms of stress due to work include fatigue, muscular tension, headache, pounding, and sleeplessness. There may also be disturbances of the gastrointestinal tract, such as pain in the liver, diarrhea, and hard bowel movements.

Meanwhile, the symptoms of psychic stress due to work are among others depression, anxiety, irritability, pessimistic, discouraged, and panic. Workers can also find it difficult to concentrate and make decisions.

Behavior changes are also very likely to occur. This could be an increase in the number of working days, reduced creativity and initiative, decreased work performance, interpersonal relationship disruption, mood swings, frustration, lazy hanging, and loss of interest to things.

  • Hair loss 

Missing a few strands of hair is normal happening every day. However, if the hair is falling abnormal, for example, more than 100 strands per day, it could be a sign you are experiencing stress. 

Stress can significantly push a large number of hair follicles into the resting phase, and then a few months after those hairs fall out.

  • Experience indigestion

Stress can also slow the discharge of food from the stomach, which causes the stomach to be full of gas and also bloated. There is not an infrequent intestinal contraction that causes stomach cramps and also diarrhea.

  • Weight can rise, can also be dropped 

Stress triggers the release of the hormone cortisol, which interferes with the body's ability to process blood sugar and alter how to metabolize fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. It can ultimately lead to an increase or decrease in body weight.

  • So easy to get sick

No matter your age, chronic stress can affect your body's endurance. 

Children who may complain about abdominal pain and nightmares, while teenagers often experience headaches and adults usually feel stiffness in the neck, shoulders, and back. All ages can experience sleep problems when stressed.

If you have any of the above signs, look for the solution immediately. The first thing that can be done to cope with the stress caused by work is to take the time to break.

Talk about these things well with your boss whenever possible. You can take a couple of days off for a vacation or do other favorite things.

Another way is to ask someone else for help, which is appropriate to the capacity and procedure, to help get the job done together.

If this is a joint project, do not hesitate to divide the task and ask for help if you feel less savvy or unable to work on it yourself. Help from coworkers, though little, can be very helpful and can reduce stress.

If the above ways do not result in more weight and stress, you may consider finding professional medical personnel like a psychologist or psychiatrist. Consultation can help you identify the problem and find the best solution.

Many people are conscious or not experiencing stress because of work. If your employer, co-worker or company does not care about the mental condition of its employees, you may also consider looking for a new, healthier work environment for the mental state of its employees.

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