How to Practice Down Syndrome Children's memory

Parents with Down syndrome should not be discouraged. It's a way of practicing a child's recall skills.

Having children Down syndrome certainly gives its challenge. The majority of people with such syndromes have lower intelligence than the population in general. So, parents should know how to practice children's recall skills for him to be able to do their activities.

The condition of an intelligence disorder experienced by a person with Down syndrome may vary, ranging from mild (with IQ 50-75) to weight.

How to Practice Down Syndrome Children's memory | GOLELY

In childhood, these symptoms seemed to be developmental delays. Infants or children are unable to perform motor skills or language like any other child of his or her age.

Although they have obstacles in developing, especially in remembering, they are essentially the same as other children, that are active and have a high sense of curiosity.

The memory itself relates to brain function in storing and processing memories that are important for everyday life, for example, word processing. Well, their difficulties in word processing, especially to receive and convey information, results in making it difficult as well while communicating and socializing.

How to practice memorizing

To overcome this, reported from the Down Syndrome Educational Internation page, there are several ways that parents can do to train the children's memory syndrome Down. The following ways are as follows:

  • Troubleshoot hearing problems

Exercising memory is not just brain-centered. When other sensory functions are disrupted, such as hearing functions, understanding what is spoken by the interlocutor will be difficult. 

Because the Down Syndrome children often experience hearing loss as well, consult first with a doctor to handle the condition. The mother can then reduce nearby noise so that the child can focus his audience on one source only.

Often invites children to speak to memorize many things
To train the memory, the child should be often talked to. During each conversation session, you can introduce a variety of sounds, such as animal sounds or object sounds.

What about the sounds? Because as a child, children will be easier to memorize the sound than writing or drawing. When you have started to enter pre-school, then they can memorize the picture or written sentence more strongly. 

  • Provide a direct gaze to keep the focus

Children with Down syndrome easily lose their focus. Therefore, you need to do something so that the relaxed learning process can still run the maximum. 

For example, align your face with the child. Face your faces while holding the child's shoulder side, then you speak the information.

This direct gaze does not need to be done continuously. If the little one is accustomed to focusing, you can keep the distance bit by bit. 

Your success or whether you are teaching your focus power can be seen from the answers she gives. If the answer is still wrong, you can do the same focus technique again. 

  • Mandatory routine

The memory will be further improved if the memorizing learning process performed with a high level of focus is trained every day. 

But importantly, as a home teacher, parents must be extra patient. Otherwise, the child will feel scared, out of focus, and finally, reluctant to learn again. 

  • Do not reproach and compliment

The Caesar doctor also has an additional message for people who want to educate the child with Down syndrome. Never blinded a child if the child is wrong. Gently correct and teach the correct version of the error. If the child is successful, don't forget to give praise for him to be excited.

Enrich information on learning materials from experts
To learn more effective and enjoyable, parents can also get the science of doctors, therapists, or specialists who are engaged in the childcare of Down syndrome. 

The more feedback from the experts, the richer your ' home-class ' learning with the little ones.

  • Keep the interest and talent

Each child has a talent, including a child with Down syndrome whose strong power is weak. 

If the learning process has succeeded in increasing its memory, do not forget to aim the child to do activities that are suitable for its prominent abilities. For example, play musical instruments, draw, or count.

That is how to practice remembering abilities for children Down syndrome. For parents and children alike to have a passion, try once a week of activity together with those with similar conditions. By exchanging experiences and thoughts, the environment that carries positive influences will be created.

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