4 foods that can help reduce cigarette effects

In addition to healthy body health, these foods can also reduce the effects given by cigarettes.

Smokers know how bad cigarettes for health, but still close the eyes. For the sake of a healthy body, try slowly subtract until quit smoking. While waiting, you can consume some foods that can help reduce the effects of smoking. What are you?

The lungs have a high risk of illness because it relates to the outside world through the upper airway. These conditions make the respiratory organ exposed to allergens, pollutants, or microbes. Smoking habits and breathing of air pollution can certainly have a bad impact on the lungs.

4 foods that can help reduce cigarette effects | GOLELY

Reduce the effect of cigarettes with this food

Several ways can be done to cleanse the lungs. Not only for smokers or those who have just quit smoking, but also people who often are exposed to air pollution, have chronic conditions that affect the respiratory system such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and cystic fibrosis (cystic fibrosis). Well, one of them is to consume:

1. Vitamin A

Vitamin A contains high antioxidants that can help ward off free radicals in the body, thereby preventing cellular damage. The example of the food is sweet potato, pumpkin, carrot, and paprika to get vitamin A.

2. Vitamin C

In addition to vitamin A, vitamin C also contains antioxidants and anti inflammations that can prevent damage to cells in the body due to cigarette smoke exposure.

There has been a lot of research that proves that consuming a source of vitamin C with the right amount can prevent asthma, repair lung tissue, and improve the function of body organs.

Also, you to eat a lot of apples.
The content of flavonoids, vitamins, and antioxidants (especially vitamin C) in it is believed to be able to protect the lung organs from various diseases. There are even studies that find an Apple component that can repair lung tissue damage due to smoking.

3. Omega-3

Omega-3s have antioxidant content that can reduce inflammation in the lungs and eradicate bacteria that damage the health of the body's organs.

4. Other antioxidants

One source of antioxidants that proves to be good for the lungs is green tea. Green tea has antioxidant content that can help reduce inflammation in the lungs. The compound even potentially protects the lung tissue from the danger of smoking.

According to a study in Korea published in "The Journal of Nutrition" in 2018, people who drank green tea at least two cups per day were reported to have better lung function compared to those who did not drink it.

Food to help quit smoking

Although there are foods that can help to clean the lung organs from various pollutants or microbes, for smokers, the main focus should remain to smoke for better health.

In addition to strong determination, you can also quit smoking with the help of these foods or eating patterns:

  • Apply a regular diet and don't miss the mealtime. The hungry stomach can make you reflex looking for cigarettes. If the discipline eats three times a day, you can avoid that feeling.
  • Busy mouth, for example by chewing carrot or raw celery. Chewing the crispy food can make the mouth's attention "distracted". Other options include broccoli, cabbage, or sliced peppers. Prepare also the sauce dipping (dipping sauce) If you want additional flavor.
  • Always prepare chewing gum while feeling cravings.
  • Corn Pop or popcorn can also help distract from the smoking cravings — making the mouth and hands equally busy. Popcorn is known to be high in fiber and low in calories. To add flavor, add spices like garlic powder or paprika powder. Avoid adding a lot of salt and butter.
  • Want a sweet-sweet? Consumption of fresh fruits such as oranges, apples, or bananas. In addition to being sweet, the fruits are rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and fibers. This is important because antioxidants and vitamin C amount to shrink in smokers.
Indeed there are several types of foods that can cleanse the lungs to help reduce the effect of cigarettes. Nevertheless, the priorities should stop smoking for better health before it is too late. When it's hard to stop, it's good to ask for professional help, for example by counseling.

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