9 Benefits of spicy food consumption for health

Most of the people love spicy food. Not only delicious but this food also has a good array of benefits for the health of the body.

The growing taste of food served with spicy flavor, even to super spicy, showed how awesome Indonesian people with spicy food. Although the consumption is called to disturb digestion, spicy foods can bring a lot of health benefits to health.
9 Benefits of spicy food consumption for health | GOLELY

Various benefits of spicy food

There is a wide variety of nutrients in spicy foods that are beneficial for health, such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, iron, potassium, and magnesium. With such content, here are some of the benefits of spicy food for health:

1. Increase in metabolism

Some studies have been conducted against spicy foods, such as pepper, chili, turmeric, and cinnamon. The results show that these foods can increase the body's metabolism while resting metabolic rate and lowering appetite.
Also, with the content of capsaicin, chili consumption has a thermogenic effect. These effects make the body able to burn excess calories after eating.

2. Inhibit inflammation Process

Spicy foods containing curcumin, such as ginger and garlic, have since long ago been used as a traditional anti-inflammatory remedy. For example, arthritis disorder or autoimmune disease.

3. Lose weight

According to some studies, the content of capsaicin in chili peppers can also help to lose weight. It was found that capsaicin can suppress appetite and do fat burning in the body.

4. Help fight cancer cells

Capsaicin content in chili Peppers is also known to be instrumental in lowering or slowing the progression of cancer cells.
A study found evidence that capsaicin may help inhibit the growth of prostate cancer cells in rats. The American Association for Cancer Research also states that capsaicin is capable of killing cancer cells.

5. Helps overcome bacterial infections

Spicy foods that use turmeric and Curcuma raw materials have been shown to have high antioxidant, as well as antimicrobial content that can resist the exposure of bacteria in the body.

6. Reduce pain

One more benefit of capsaicin in chili Peppers namely proved to be able to lower sensory pain receptors so that the pain complaints that arise can also decrease.

7. Reduce the risk of developing heart disease

Spicy foods containing chili pepper have potassium content, which when combined with folic acid will be able to reduce the risk of heart disease.

Also, Capsaicin in chili Peppers effectively lowers the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and increases the level of good cholesterol (HDL) in the body.

8. Lowering blood sugar levels

According to a study in the "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition", eating chili has a positive impact on people who are overweight and diabetics. Eating chili can help to control insulin levels significantly after eating.

9. Maintain Eye health

You need vitamin A to keep your eyes healthy at all times. About a tablespoon of chili every day can improve visual function. It can also help prevent nighttime blindness as well as macular degeneration.

That's a variety of health benefits that you can get from consuming spicy foods. Although delicious, still try not to multiply the meal until many times adds. Not only can it make weight rise, but there are direct side effects such as indigestion or irritation in the mouth area.

For the benefit of spicy foods can be truly felt, balance their consumption with the intake of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vegetables, and fruit. Then, work out regularly, consume enough white water every day, and have a resting time to keep your body healthy optimal.

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