Vaccines to prevent Influenza

Why does influenza vaccines need to be done every year? How is the security level? Read the complete facts about the flu vaccine here.

Most people think that influenza is a mild illness. But actually, influenza can also cause serious illness and even death, especially in children and elderly people.

Influenza vaccines are very effective in preventing influenza disease and its complications. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that everyone get an influenza vaccine every 6 months or 1 year.

Vaccines to prevent Influenza | GOLELY

Why do we need to do an influenza vaccine every year?

Every year a new influenza vaccine is issued, adapted to its viral type. The virus can evolve very rapidly, which means that last year's influenza vaccine may not be able to protect you from influenza viruses this year. After vaccination, the immune system will produce antibodies that protect the body from viruses contained in the vaccine. Also, the levels of antibodies in the body increasingly longer will be decreased, hence the flu vaccine required every year.

How to give the influenza vaccine?

Influenza vaccine is administered in two ways, namely:

1. Injections

Vaccines are usually injected in the upper arm muscles. This vaccine contains inactivated virus (dead viruses), so it will not cause you to be exposed to the flu, but it will help the body to form antibodies.

2. Nasal Spray (nose spray)

The vaccine is comprised of flu viruses that live but are weakened in small quantities. Recommended for children aged 2-8 years, but not recommended at all for pregnant women.

What are the flu vaccine types?

The influenza vaccine consists of two types, namely trivalent and quadrivalent:

  • Trivalent
The trivalent vaccine contains three types of viruses, namely H3N2, H1N1, and influenza B.

  • Quadrivalent
Quadrivalent vaccines can protect the body from four strains of viruses, namely H3N2, H1N1, and 2 strains of influenza B. This type of vaccine is available in injection and nasal spray form.

The influenza vaccine is dangerous? What about contraindication?
What contraindication?

1. Infants aged < 6 months.
2. Have a great history of allergic reactions post-administration of the previous influenza vaccine. Also, you should be careful if you have an egg allergy.
3. Most influenza vaccine contains egg proteins in small quantities. You may still be able to vaccinate but have to wait at least 30 minutes to 1 hour in the doctor's room after being injected, to see if there are any allergic reactions. But now it's available flu vaccines that do not contain egg proteins.

How is its security level and are there any side effects?

The influenza vaccine is very safe given. Mild side effects that may occur are mild fever, headache, and redness or swelling at the injection site.

Can you do an influenza vaccine while you are sick? 

You can still do influenza vaccines if you only experience mild pain, such as a cold cough with or without fever or diarrhea. However, influenza vaccines in the form of a nasal spray cannot be administered if you are experiencing flu and nasal congestion by mucus, as it may interfere with the absorption of vaccines.

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